Forum Post: Help draft a Charter
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 1:44 a.m. EST by Jcarta
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Help draft a charter and establish a simple, media-friendly list of objectives.
Check out this page
We can't make a simple, media-friendly list of objectives because we do not have any such cohesive agenda. This movement includes Libertarians, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, and a good number of died-in-the-wool Capitalists of varying persuasions. We even have some Tea Party members. We all agree that the system is broken and that it must be fixed but past that, we can't agree on much of anything.
But that's not the point. The point isn't that we be able to present a clear message to the media and the powers-that-be. The point is that simply by existing we put pressure on the system to address our ills and that by coming together we provide a forum where solutions can be discussed freely.
It is the role of the movement to give us the tools to make decisions about our future and to make those decisions be heard and matter. It is our role, as citizens, to propose and try to implement the ones we like.
"The point is that simply by existing we put pressure on the system to address our ills "
Look at the Tea Party. Individually many of those people were not very powerful. But together they became very powerful. They didn't become powerful because they were able to rally behind a banner (although they did) they became powerful because they came together in the town halls and talked. Discussion allowed them to air their grievances as a group and this made them one of the most powerful political movements in this country.
A media-Friendly list of objectives is absolutely crucial to success. They must be simple enough and easy enough to implement so that 99% of us will agree and put pressure on all elected politicians throughout the world. 1: Equality: Reduce the gap between the rich and poor nationally and internationally [Change the GFS and Banking] 2: Economy: Move from a economic based on Consumerism to one based on Sustainability [Change who we subsidies] 3: Democracy: Ensure everyone has an equal right to vote AND to be voted for [No longer the same couple of near identical parties backed by the same richest 1% - real grass roots democracy] We don’t care how it’s done, or who it is done by, as long as in a year’s time: ALL economic indices show the rich poor gap is decreasing. A list of all government subsidies is published and a shift is clear. There are new parties and faces in government. The mantra is this “We will never vote for a politician who does not follow the 3 targets of, equality, sustainability and true democracy” Send this to your friends and your MP/Senator/Governor... and let the change begin...
1Once convicted, forgive the banksters and fraudsters if they disburse 99% of their wealth. Otherwise, lock them up and throw away the keys. 2Abolish all personal income taxes and interest rates. 3Companies with turnover of less than 1,000,000p.a. shall be exempted from tax. 4Bank depositors automatically becomes shareholders in the bank. The Bank shall pay out dividend every month. 5Banks shall charge a flat 2.5% per month service charge for managing accounts with more than one million. After deducting their pre declared monthly opex cost (including their salaries), the balance shall be paid monthly as dividend to accounts below 100,000 (99%) and above 100,000 (1%). The shareholders will decide on annual bonuses for bank employees to be paid from the dividend. 6 Shares in Major Corporations (Blue Chips) can only be bought and held by account holders with less than one million but more than 100,000 in their account. 7It will be an offense for those with more than a million to buy and trade shares in major corporations. They can only invest in companies with nett worth of 100,000,000 or less. Maximum investment shall be 10M per company. They will have to divest the shares when the companies are declared blue chip companies. 8Housing loans shall be at 0% interest for 1st time house buyer, who must be account holder of the lending institution and holding minimum 50,000 shares in the bank. 8Those with over 1,000,000.00 shall decide the corporate tax rate. 9Blue chip companies shall be exempt from taxes. 10 Take this new banking system world wide. Shut down wall street, shut down all hedge funds and END THE FED
We need to focus on the MAGICAL first step, which is crisp and clear. I recommend ONE POINT PROGRAM for OWS ++ Tax reform++
(1). All Taxes should be abolished (2). We ask for a single simple tax collection process. Tax all bank transactions by 2%. (3). Revenue required for Government program can be easily collected by taxing all bank transactions by 2%. There is no need for multiple taxes, e.g income tax, sales tax etc, etc. (4). This process will eliminate all record keeping for individuals, businesses and organizations. No preparation and filing of tax forms. No audits