Forum Post: help ban OWSForObama or at least ignore him
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 2:17 a.m. EST by phasing
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ignore this intellectually challenged troll
Democrats and Republicans all cater to lobbyists. I like his jobs plan though, and if it's him or pizza man, I know who I'm voting for.
hard block. ows is not for obama, obama is a problem and the problem. we need a third party 99 percent party. not obama. obama is part of the problem. please do not post this bs, we do not want to hear any more about obama.
obama is an oligarch. obama is 50 new nuclear plants. obama is a health care law built for the corporations and against the people. obama is denial of kyoto protocol. obama is two new wars. obama is Bush continuation. obama is corrupt. obama is ignorant. obama is the enemy of the people.
One vote for. That dense weasel has got to go.
Goodnight All...
Sorry if I am too ecstatic about Obama. Ijust think he is doing a hell of a job and not getting enough credit..
I will slow up on the Obama postings...
I didn't think it would hurt anyone's feelings.
I love Obama too. Most people that dont understand how government works and blame him for allot of things. They dont realize that congress is the body that makes the decisions for this country. Its easier to blame the black guy then to actually get to the polls and vote for their governors, senators, and congress people. Every thing he comes up with gets dissed by repubs (of course) but the surprising thing is that PEOPLE BUY IT and they would rather fight the one guy who is trying to set things right then do anything to make things better!
No ones feelings are hurt although yours may sting a bit. People here are smarter than you think and yes, clearly you think he is doing a great job but.... there is no reason to repost those shallow one liners every 2-3 minutes. We get it. I, and perhaps others have seen you do this before so please, mellow out
What did he say? I must have missed something.
well. everyone but me. somebody has to let people know OWS does not support obama.
Nice and your doing a hell of a job, keep it up brother
boo I am the 99% and I DO support Obama
fine. support obama not inside of OWS.
He is attacked inside OWS, I will defend him inside OWS. I will not abandon our cause over it, but I will not hesitate to set the record straight. OWS does not support any individual for the purpose of endorsement. If this is just another campaign rouse then Im out. No one person is going to fix this mess. All of us have to actually do something, even if its picking up an American government textbook and taking the time to understand how all the branches of government function.
the only reason why i have to attack him is because people are trying to promote him. He is an enemy of the people. period.
hard block. ows is not for obama, obama is a problem and the problem. we need a third party 99 percent party. not obama. obama is part of the problem. please do not post this bs, we do not want to hear any more about obama.
obama is an oligarch. obama is 50 new nuclear plants. obama is a health care law built for the corporations and against the people. obama is denial of kyoto protocol. obama is two new wars. obama is Bush continuation. obama is corrupt. obama is ignorant. obama is the enemy of the people.
The healthcare bill would have given healthcare to everyone and would have held corporations accountable for their taxes. You should read the original budget he proposed some time. I had to for a class.
Neuclear power is cleaner and much more efficient than coal, plus cheaper than biofuel derivatives and solar. Solar is impractical during periods of low sunlight, and wind is also impractical during periods of low winds. My husband was in Afghanistan in 2001, so no that's not a new war, its been going on a while. The Lybia thing...all I can say is that no one has attacked America or even many of its Embassies since he took office.
BS is not in actuality a validating comment. You would have to come up with more than youtube videos as reference in real research.
Your playing into capital interests' hands and lapping it up.
the health care bill also would have mandated everyone get health insurance, and etc was full of assorted give aways to the insurance companies.
nuclear power is not cleaner nor greener than actual green energy and it is merely and only a way to keep energy expensive to sell as a commodity.
Geothermal is the golden child of energy possibilities. The one they try not to even mention- notice- you don't.
Quite the opposite, anybody who promotes nuclear is playing into capital interest hands, i'm the one whos pointing to the matrixes true exits.
obama is part of the problem, he is an oligarch, and we must remove and replace him.
Why would it be bad for everyone to have insurance. The ones who dont and have emergency medical procedures drive the costs up for everyone.
Energy related to methane gas is also an option. nuclear energy is actually pretty cheep. All it takes is an unstable isotope and energy is released from the breakdown of the nucleus (protons and neutrons leaving the nucleus).
Obama has invested large amounts of money into green energy companies that are small business to try to get them to come up with something feasible that is better. So far two have gone bankrupt.
Again I ask you to cite your source. I will cite mine if you like, but all this is, is your word against mine at this point.
because insurance is merely a con scam to take peoples money and then deny them health care. It in essence forces everyone into the capitalist system as a pwn of the insurance companies. Insurance companies are the core problem- and should be outlawed. Right now what goes on is the insurance companies keep posting record profits while denying people the coverage they thought they had.
methane gas is not an option, its a stupid and irresponsible idea with serious ecological reprocussions and it is orders of magnitude more expensive than assorted forms of green energy. Nuclear energy is NOT cheap compared to any kind of green energy esp not when you count the assorted costs which they like to pretend don;t exist like babysitting wastes for millions of years.
those were never honest green energy companies, they were always con scams. Thats like trying to tell me that the fracking geothermal power stations aren't really workign that great. they shouldn't be fracking in the first place.
I have a family. My kids go to the doctor every 6 months or so. Without insurance it would cost me $200 a visit. With insurance its only $20. When they get sick I can take them to the urgent care without having to worry that I wont be able to pay the bill.
Obama wanted to put an end to the insurance scams, but people would rather believe the hype than personally read the plans that were developed. If you read the plan and dont like it.....fine. But its useless to spout someone else's rhetoric.
If we want green energy everyone should buy solar panels for their homes. The option is there, Obama even funded a solar panel company after people acted like they cared. Unfortunately instead of investing in solar panels they bought the latest iphone, plasma tv (and the cable to go with it), video game...You get the idea. People need to take responsibility on themselves if they want to see these changes. If you believe in green energy, buy yourself some solar panels, canvass people in your neighborhood to do the same, and start a greenification fund for people who cant afford it.
most cities have generated assorted zoning laws to prohibit solar panels. If we had universal single payer, you'd pay zero, instead of 20 $.
City zoning laws have nothing to do with the president. If people want solar panels in their city they need to go to the city council meetings and impress this need on their city council. They need to be involved in the local elections so that they know the people that are being voted into office will have their best interest at heart. Again the responsibility falls on the citizen to be educated and active, if they were the city could probably muster up funds to contribute to low income families having solar panels. The problem arises when the only person that comes to the city council meeting is the director for the power company, and the only people voting are the local shareholders.
I dont mind paying the co-pay because the money has to come from somewhere and I dont mind doing my part. My complaint is when others are unwilling to do theirs. It creates an unequal burden.
Look. you're not going to get your shit togeter by 2012. Are you for real or just trying to split the party for a Republican presidency? DON'T FALL FOR THIS. REPUBICANS WILL USE YOU!
I like Obama lets ban you instead.
You like barrack, dude have you been asleep the last three years ? This issue been explained so/many times on here its rediculous. Listen dumb fuck don't breed and too bad your parents didn't use/birth control, go away
Every single time this debate happens I end up winning. I have taken a few civics courses in college. I understand how the government works, You obviously do not or you wouldnt say such things. The President has no power to make laws regarding our country. He commands the millitary only. Its not so easy to "pull out" after occupation of Afghanistan starting from 1985 where the CIA trained them to fight against Russia. The whole middle east thing is like a hornets nest on our porch. You cant swat at it and hose it, then all of a sudden decide to be nice and expect them not to sting you anytime you try to go outside. It should have never started, but now that it has the situation in the middle east has to be dealt with responsibly. Obama has tried to set up oversight committees but the Republican led congress freaks and guess what, you people buy it. He managed to put into law Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act which is the most sweeping reform of financial institutions ever. Whether its enough is another story, but how is the guy supposed to accomplish anything with no support. Its your own fault when he doesnt get the support he needs from us to help us.