Forum Post: Hegemony or survival America's quest for global dominance
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 25, 2011, 7:02 p.m. EST by pumpkin
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Noam Chomsky Hegemony or survival America's quest for global dominanc
While the enemy at home often has to be controlled by intensive propaganda, beyond the borders
more direct means are available. The leaders of the current Bush administration—mostly recycled
from more reactionary sectors of the Reagan-Bush I administrations—provided sufficiently clear
illustrations during their earlier stints in office. When the traditional regime of violence and
repression was challenged by the Church and other miscreants in the Central American domains of
US power, the Reagan administration responded with a "war on terror," declared as soon as it took
office in 1981. Not surprisingly, the US initiative instantly became a terrorist war—a campaign of
slaughter, torture, and barbarism—that soon extended to other regions of the world as well.
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