Forum Post: Hegalian Dialectic ("left" and "right") results in conquering the masses:
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 8:23 p.m. EST by info101
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Also known as Thesis Antithesis & Synthesis, Problem Reaction Solution, and Order Out Of Chaos. This tactic has been employed by rulers for quite some time.
Is it possible that this is the 'reaction' stage and that the powers that be may offer us a pre-planned 'solution'?
Great video! we are only given those two choices and think its freedom. That is why the ability to Assemble and share like ideas is so important along with Rational Thinking. Read Noam Chomsky's book Media Control
Yes and the people are waking up to something... even if many still have no clue as to how or why they are actually mad --they know that the population is being duped, lied to, exploited, enslaved. As this movement gains momentum more and more people will begin to read, research, and discover the depth of the deception upon the world by the ruling elites.
Charlotte Iserbyt: Societies Secrets
It's true!!!!!! I mean, both Bush and Obama are collectivists. Bush said 'a new world order is coming...' Obama said the same thing, so did Soros and Ben Bernanke ( who is still the boss of the Federal reserve and Obama's financial adviser! ) This is no conspiracy theory - this is the truth! Check it out. Who else said a new world order is coming? Oh, yeah, it was Karl Marx...
You hit it right on the head. The powerful elite love the current system - they have framed the whole thing as a right vs. left hometown football rivalry. They let the American people fight each other with their dogma, meanwhile they are laughing all the way to the bank (and changing all the laws to support the banks while they are at it). The right vs. left schema they are using guarantees that they are in power at least half the time.
Absolutely. The great thing about OWM was that, for a little while, at least, it united all the people regardless of their culture or politics, they stood shoulder to shoulder, as Americans for democracy and freedom... and now? well, we'll see...
correct BINGO