Forum Post: Hedges v. Obama
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 14, 2013, 11:08 p.m. EST by quantumystic
from Memphis, TN
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The Undercurrent: Hedges v. Obama, NDAA Part 1
Michael Moore & Chris Hedges, NDAA Part 2 (The Undercurrent)
Repeal the 'war on terror'
If you destroy every drone in the world and leave the system in place where the rich get richer, you have accomplished nothing. If Hedges ever get his head out of his ass and looks around at the world he might figure that out.
these noam chomsky, michael moore, cornel west, chris hedges types are never going to admit that the system is beyond repair. they have profited from said system to a great degree and still believe in rehabilitation. i however do not. i realize that all 5 social institutions are failed or failing. the end result of neglect, ignorance, and the refusal to advance or change and even the outright rejection of truth. perhaps it is time for one who would to do what they should.
any updates on this?
I would like to know as well.
Gotta love the national news coverage of important issues like "is killing Americans without trial and evidence legal?"
Fuck me, do I have to change my major from civil environmental engineering to journalism just to know someone is out there doing their job? I am 34 I don't have time for this shit.
Trolls should love this one. We will have Dems acting like its all good because it Obama, and Republicans saying its needed to "kill dem darn terrorirsts.."
“If you believe the president has the power to order U.S. citizens executed far from any battlefield with no charges or trial, then it’s truly hard to conceive of any asserted power you would find objectionable"
-Glenn Greenwald