Forum Post: Hedge Funds need to be regulated!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 10:51 p.m. EST by bbjke
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Not only does the SEC/NASD need to regulate these Manipulated Hedge Funds they need to ENFORCE regulation. There is ZERO ENFORCEMENT on Wall Street these days!
the yeti was finally caught on tape!!!
Hedge funds were BY FAR the least of the problems
Short Selling Hedge funds caused the financial collapse of 2008-2009
people defaulting on their payments is what caused the collapse
people not willing to make payments
The Hedge Funds destoyed the banks and put many of them out of business which caused real estate prices to tumble, recession, etc etc... They estimate that these short selling hedge funds made over a Trillion dollars by destroying our financial system.
how so ? the collateralized mortgage obligations didn't default until people stopped paying their mortgages.
Listen to the youtube link