Forum Post: health care thralls
Posted 7 years ago on June 26, 2017, 9:20 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Who's programmed to choose sides that don't differ significantly?
"...ideas such as universal healthcare exist, but they’re only allowed a quick 3-minute shout-out by Bernie Sanders before MSNBC plays him off like he’s an Oscar speech that has gone on too long. “I’m sorry! That’s all the time we have for the only rational, moral course for our country to take on healthcare. Coming up next, 4 hours of Obamacare vs. Trumpcare! The battle of the titans!...”
''Love Your Country? Save Health Care!'' by Sarah Chaisson-Warner: & see: by Michael Corcoran & finally: by Gerald Friedman
From your link ... ''A small Volkswagen bug can’t magically morph into a massive building-sized robot monster. Making money off of the fact that someone is sick or injured or dying or failed to fill out some paperwork on time can’t magically morph into a morally defensible way of doing things.And that’s why we’re the only developed country that does it this way.'' I like Lee Camp; find him on"Redacted Tonight" & see..
verum ex absurdo ...
Politics for profits. "For a few dollars more."
After having walked her dog and picked up its excrement from the pavement, Christina is leaving on a jetplane from the sickbay.
The NC article by Lee Camp claims that the rich live 15 years longer than the rest of us. Even if that's exaggerated, a few years are too many.
Four years is 5% of an 80 year life span. 0.05(326,381,938/80) = 203,988.7 Americans that the lack of quality universal health care is killing each year.
Terrorists can't compete with the insurance, big pharma and corporate med monsters, who operate their deadly fraud without real opposition by the Repucrats, who are wholly owned properties of the rich.
US population id "326,381,938 as of Sunday, June 18, 2017"
Four years is 5% of an 80 year life span. 0.05(326,381,938/80) = 203,988.7 Americans that the lack of quality universal health care is killing each year.
US population id "326,381,938 as of Sunday, June 18, 2017"
Still 27 million without insurance under Obama care. Trump care will almost double that.
The BCRA bill has been delayed by Congress until after the July 4th recess. If Obama's version had taken more than 18 months, this version can certainly wait a bit for the constituents to review it. The only reason that I can think of why it had been rushed so much and previously shrouded in secrecy was that the Retard-I-Can'ts wanted to pull a fast one on the American people.
This BCRA name is rather traditional: "Better Care Reconciliation Act" really means "Worse Handling of Sick People to Save Money for the Tax Cuts for the Rich People Lubricated Passage(only 50 votes in the Senate required) Act." British English slang got the meaning of "Trump" correctly as "Fart" because it's noisy like a trumpet, hot, and it stinks. It's been temporarily driven back up the rectum due to the obstruction of passage from the excessive nuttiness(diverticulitis can be very painful and potentially deadly). There was the campaign promise that he was about to break but the yuuge orange carrot hadn't broken through yet.
Trumpanzia's Oval Office Hymn from the People's Temple
Beans, beans, my world is beans.
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed -- in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trump," - 'one' Corinthians 15:51-52 of the globalized help hotline.
Kentucky holds Hearing On Health Care that Mitch McConAll refuses to hold in Washington
Will he lose his seat?