Forum Post: headlines part 2
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 10:45 p.m. EST by willyouunderstandfacts
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- Portland: 10/16/2011 – Sex Offender Registers Occupy Portland Camp as Address 57. Denver: 10/15/2011 — Occupy Denver Demonstrator Accused of Groping TV Photographer 58. Lawrence, KS: 10/25/2011 — Sexual Assault Reported at Occupy Camp 59. Minneapolis, MN: Bricks, Rocks, ‘Riot Supplies’ Discovered by Police 60. Phoenix, AZ: 10/27/2011 — Neo-Nazis Patrol “Occupy Phoenix” With AR-15′s 61. Chicago: 10/26/2011 — Occupy Chicago Invades City Hall 62. 10/26/2011 — ACORN, Occupy Email Talks About Assault on Banks 63. 10/26/2011 – OccupyWallStreet Strategy for Reports of Violence Against Cops 64. Chicago: 10/26/2011 — Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers Wows Occupiers 65. Chicago: 10/25/2011 — Ayers Coaches #OccupyChicago, Callsg for School ‘Occupations’ 66. 10/26/2011/ — Occupy Protests Have Jewish Leaders Concerned 67. Wash DC: 10/27/2011 – OccupyDC Leftists Provoke Police – Hang Flag on Top of DC Statue 68. Albuquerque, NM: 10/26/2011 — Occupy Squatters Riot With Police 69. San Diego: 10/25/2011 — Flag Used as Chew Toy by Occupier’s Dog 70. Oakland: 10/25/2011 — Occupiers Throw Bottles at Police 71. NY: 10/27/2011 — Occupy Wall Street Protesters: Rush Limbaugh Is Bigger Threat Than Al-Qaeda 72. 10/27/2011 — Occupy Wall Street Launching First Nationwide General Strike in America Since 1946 73. NY: 10/28/2011 — Fox 5 News Reporter Assaulted at OWS 74. 10/28/2001 — Total Occupy Arrests Made Thus Far: 2750 75. Nashville: 10/28/2011 — 30 Arrests Made at Wall St. Protest 76. NY: 10/20/2011 — Former Marine Tries to Taunt Police into Violence 77. NY: 1023/2011 — Islamist Group Joins with Occupy Wall Street 78. Los Angeles: 10/13/2011 — Roundup of Overt Occupy anti-Semitism 79. NY: 10/12/2011 — There are No Anti-Semites at Occupy Wall Street. Except for This Guy 80. Missoula, MT: 10/20/2011 — Drunk 11-Year-Old At Occupy Missoula, Adult Arrested 81. Oakland: 10/28/2011 — Bounty Out On Police Officer? 82. Manchester, NH: 10/28/2011 – Woman charged with pimping teen recruited at Occupy NH rally 83. San Diego: 10/28/2011 – 40 Occupiers arrested 84. Boston: 10/24/2011 — Occupy Boston Vandalism of Banks 85. Boston: 10/25/2011 – Store Owner Suffers 4 Break Ins Since Occupy Boston Began 86. Portland: 10/28/2011 — Portland Police: Buckets of Excrement Scattered Around #OccupyPortland Camp 87. Seattle: 10/20/2011 — Two Possible Occupiers Charged With Assault 88. Seattle: 10/18/2011 — Armed Felon Arrested at Occupy Seattle 89. Seattle: 10/18/2011 — A Tent Fight and (At Least) One Arrest at Occupy Seattle 90. Seattle: 10/17/2011 — Over 50 Cops Clear Westlake Occupation, Make Eight Arrests 91. Seattle: 10/13/2011 — Cops Arrest Several Occupy Protesters 92. Seattle: 10/13/2011 — Chanting Protesters Surround Police After Officers Arrest Two