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Forum Post: Having the OWS be "Leaderless" was this Brilliant or What?

Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 6, 2012, 11:27 p.m. EST by owsrebel1984 (-1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Kalle-Lasn ( OWS FOUNDER ) keeps his distance to protect his financial life, and his physical life. He lives in Canada as a free man, and in no context can the FBI bust down his door and seize his computers. Will they take him out like Wikileaks Leader? Set him up on false rape charges?? Only time will tell.

The USA will destroy anyone that try's to lead, they killed MLK, they killed Malcolm-X, ... they kill and they destroy their financial life.

They take your kids, they take your house, and they put you in prison.

It's always been this way in the USA if you speak-out,

I guess we can all agree that it was brilliant not to have a leader cuz now the USA has nobody to kill,

How fucking depressing for the USA police state, all dressed up for killing but no targets in sight.

Don't you just hate to the SEE the most violent Government in World history, and it can't find a target to kill in its sights. Well history has proven that in order to "save a village, you must destroy a village", hold on for this ride, because what this means is anybody and everybody associated with OWS must die, by MIL-THINK.

God Bless the USA, because the World despises the USA.



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

In the light of recent purported 'comings and goings' from this forum, this is an extremely suspicious and provocative 'forum post' from a particularly graceless non-American and potential 'agent provocateur' ...

Caveat : Angius In Herba ?!

[-] -2 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

Like I have said, anybody that has more than 500 points, or anything like 2,000 here with shadz66, is no doubt a thrassy bot.

But how about addressing the subject rather than having your BOT paste generic response?

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Absolutely fascinating response from someone who seems to know so much re. "TrashyManque", 'bots' and such like, all this despite having only joined this forum on 6th Feb. !!!

a) Re. "Leaderless" - I Fundamentally Agree With This & little further needs to said bar OWS can appoint 'representatives' in due course.

b) Re. "owsrebel1984", whose clear knowledge and dislike of anything "Adbuster" is visceral and reflexive, IF you are 'Trashy#x', then not a single f*ckin' word you say about anything can be believed or trusted - even IF It's The Truth !!!

c) You run off now & try to sin no more ...

.. but I won't be holding my breath !

"Anguis In Herba" !!

[-] -1 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

b) Re. "owsrebel1984", whose clear knowledge dislike of anything "Adbuster" is visceral and reflexive, IF you are 'Trashy#x', then not a single f*ckin' word you say about anything can be believed or trusted - even IF It's The Truth !!!

I Repeat and I'll say again "ADBUSTERS.COM" doesn't have a fucking thing to do with OWS. OK??

You make assertions. I just came on today, you make an assertion that I hate by association. But there is no history or context to prove that point.

I like what Kalle-Lasn has done, and commend him, and thank GAWD that someone outside of the USA ( canada ) had the ball's to do this, cuz it WOULD have never happened in the USA, this guy would already be dead, if it had been done by an US citizen, the SYSTEM would have seen an accident took place.

[ Lastly, you are thrassy, and your writing like Thrassy, and you only are here because you have nothing else to do with your time. ]

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

WTF do you mean you''ll "REPEAT" ?!!!

Eh ?!!

You just joined this forum (apparently) SO WhenTF did you say this The First Time, you unconscionable little dissension sowing troll ?!

IF I start talking your BS personally, then Trust Me 'TrashyManque', when I say to you that the gloves will come off ...


[-] -1 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago


Yes, by all means Thrassy, take the condom off your little artificial penis and show us what you got, ... your a mental midget at best and feared by nobody.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

@ TrashyManque : You're rumbled and pissed off that you've so readily exposed yourself, aren't you ?! LOL !! Now all that you've got left is to accuse ME of being YOU because you know damn well, that that's the height of insults here on this forum these days !!!

You're drunk on cheap booze or high on Class A drugs or both and your hollow marriage of convenience isn't working out either. The drug addled, psychedelic, psycho-sexual demi-monde of 'Ex-Pat Bali' is closing in on your empty head and sad, loveless heart - again isn't it ?

You've only yourself to blame for thinking you are 'Oh So Superior' to everyone else, you supercilious and arrogant little fool and Montreal doesn't want you back either ...

I almost feel sorry for you.

Fin ... pour le maintenant ;-)

[-] -1 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

100% thrassy dribble,... like Santorum ( feces after homo sex ), we have a new word for Boredom ( thrassy ),

Enough said, ... put the on condom back on,...

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

@ 'TrashyManque' : You only express yourself as you do because you are 'looking through a glass, darkly' ... and talking of boredom, you have now committed that very sin ! However, even this spanking counts as 'attention' in your sad and worthless existence, n'est ce pas ?

Et donc ...

Fin ;-)

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

But I thought you were thressy? Did you check the mirror?

Did you put a condom on your bot? I didn't know they could fuck, but then you forgot to tell, just what the fuck a bot is.

Why would you want to be one, would be another good question.


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

You'd think he'd be bored with it by now.

Now he's fleshy, the safe sex wonder bot............:)


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

I think he wanted a bot war, but I don't give a rats ass.

That's just script kiddie crap.


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

I know..........some peoples kids.............................eh?

You just never know.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago


I'm a bot!!!

What the fuck is a bot?

[-] -2 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

Cool the BOT fires up randomly using different Thrassy monikers, all based on keywords.

Cool if your a retard and live with your mother.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 13 years ago

I don't know about the first part, but you're wrong on both of the second parts.

That's 2 strikes!!!

Now, please if you would, what the fuck is a bot?

[-] 1 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

Had there been a 'leader' the OWS would have already been destroyed and contained.

Somebody MUST have read Sun Tzu "Art of War", ... He say's be water, be fluid, NO ARMY can stand to water, no power in history.

Fucking Brilliant OWS :)

[-] 0 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

proof that life exists on OWS Forum

I think you're the first person here I've seen who realizes that most Russians like Putin. Most Chinese people seem to like their government also. - A NON-BOT found on OWS for first time, ... proof that life exists on OWS Forum


DO you realize that your the FIRST person today that has responded that is NOT an artifical intelligence robot on this forum, and I know your human, cuz you know the truth.

YES, FUCK YES, the CHINESE love their leaders, and so do the RUSSIANS

WHY? Cuz the leaders there care about their people for REAL

But in the USA, the LEADERS ONLY care about the CORPORATION & MONEY

[-] 0 points by Chugwunka (89) from Willows, CA 13 years ago

Go away you walking talking rectum.

[-] 0 points by owsrebel1984 (-1) 13 years ago

Fredericksburg USA, the home of what virtually every defense contractor known to the world?

IKE said "Beware of the Military Industrial Complex", he should have said "Beware of those from Fredericksburg bearing false rhetoric."