Forum Post: Having a message. Getting at the core issue.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3:11 p.m. EST by Outlaw
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To Occupy Wall Streeters:
I sense from reading various articles about you guys that you know there is something wrong with America and the financial system, but you don't truly understand what it is.
I can tell you. We are witnessing the ending years of a colossal pyramid scheme, one that spans the globe and makes Madoff look like a saint. Its been around for centuries, and its called fractional reserve banking. Its been around so long that even the bankers don't really understand or fully appreciate its effects on society, even though this sort of banking is what they do every day.
Fractional reserve banking is, in essence, a way of counterfeiting or "printing" money and inflating the money supply. The bankers create all our money and money is created when they make loans to us. They do not work for their money like ordinary people do, they create it. And yet, they demand interest on their loans for which they have not worked for, other than processing some paperwork and making some spreadsheet entries. Outside of the Federal Reserve, and perhaps Congress, there is no other way for the public to get money, other than borrow more.
Hence we are all made into debt slaves, as we are today, because we must continually borrow money from the banks in order to get money with which to repay other loans and the interest on those loans. That is the very definition of a pyramid scheme. The base of debt must continually expand or the whole system collapses. We are close to that point because the private economy is saturated with debt and is unable or unwilling to borrow more, for the time being the national governments are keeping the debt expansion going, however at some point they will also be unable to borrow more. Then the banking elites and central bankers will have to choose just how they want the pyramid scheme to collapse, whether deflationary or hyperinflationary.
If you OWS folks want to put America back on the right track, you will have to address the very nature of banking. The system of central banking has enabled fractional reserve pyramiding of loans to reach nation-breaking proportions, that is why you have "End the Fed" types in your midst who understand perhaps pieces of this story if not the whole thing. Central banking must be abolished first and foremost. You will have to come out in favor of returning our country to a hard money standard, such as gold and silver, which would take away the bankers' exclusive privilege of creating our money which they have used as a means to indirectly enslave us.
In other words naturally scarce commodity money, instead of the bankers' money, would free us from "the machine", e.g. the fractional reserve pyramid scheme, and would constrain the ambitions of government and the elites and would go a long way to restoring the freedoms of ordinary Americans.
If OWS can craft a message around this, you will be getting at the core issues at the heart of our problems.
I'm a 32 year old American living overseas in Singapore, but I will be returning Stateside in a couple years once I have completed my studies. I have been studying economics for a long time. I'm afraid for what is happening back home, but you guys are giving me new hope. I hope you are using this opportunity to sharpen your message for genuine change, I hope this is something I can help with since I cannot be there physically.
Regards, Outlaw
Gentlemen, it goes beyond Republican or Democrat or even Libertarian. This is about stopping large scale, legalized criminal activity. Pyramid schemes and counterfeiting.
Large scale crime and corruption of this nature is what destroys societies. We literally terminate ourselves, that is what happens if we cannot correctly diagnose our problems. I'm highlighting what our banking system truly does to us, because OWS is specifically protesting against the bankers....
How can we stop this?
This will continue until the American people understand just how they are being robbed and what they can do about it. A new monetary system has to be established to protect the freedom our Founding Fathers meant us to have---and keep.
I would say this to you, ladies and gentlemen. We must re-establish the kind of constitutional money system in this country that Jefferson wanted. He said that only the Treasury of the United States should create and issue legal tender money. He said that all money should be redeemable either in gold or in silver. That's the reason our Founding Fathers put into the Constitution a provision that no state shall make anything but gold and silver tender in the payment of debts. (In other words, the states may not issue legal tender money, and no private bank should either!)
If we go back to that kind of system and do away with fractional reserve banking, we may be able to re-establish a constitutional government in the United States. Wake up America!