Forum Post: Have you seen it???
Posted 11 years ago on Dec. 15, 2013, 2:20 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There is a holiday commercial that really shows one where the commercial season's heart is at.
A commercial with a line of guys in boxer shorts playing jingle-Balls.
Ummmm I am pretty sure that that is a slap in the face to peace on earth good will towards mankind. Kinda like saying fuck that - buy my stuff even though I abuse my employees - who cares?
Corporate Cultural Destruction
Yes - cultural and moral destruction.
Jingle-Balls - Really? How sad can the season get?
I am not quite as offended by that as much as I am by this:
That commercial "IS" disturbing. For 1 - we should be able to make a living wage doing work of our choice during our working years so that we need not wait till retirement to do things we want to do. For 2 how the hell do you pay your future forward when you don't earn a living wage - so the commercial is a pipe dream for more than half of the population. It ( the commercial ) forwards false beliefs for tomorrow. For 3 - Who the hell is looking forward to working when they retire? = pretty much no-one!
Talk about mind pollution - brain washing. Lets get em thinking about how they are gonna get by when they retire - not by living off of non-existent savings but by considering what they want to do in an even further reduced income job.
When I saw it I thought- so that's what the dirtbags are up to.
It is a fairly subtle mind-fuck - perhaps it will blow-up in their face - as in making people take a look around themselves and say WTF