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Forum Post: Have you guys heard of Jacque Fresco?

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 15, 2012, 6:58 p.m. EST by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504)
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You should check out what he has to say about human nurture and why we are the way we are. He also has a idea for a resource based economy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEH9zKHTZqQ www.thevenusproject.com



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[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

Noam Chomsky on Zeitgeist & Venus Project

“I don’t regard The zeitgeist Movement as an activist movement. Rather, it seems to me to be a very passive movement that is misled by doctrines that have a pleasant sound, but collapse on analysis. Among them is the idea that we should “stop supporting the system” and should not “fight it,” that is seek to change and overcome it. That means that we should withdraw into passivity. Nothing could be more welcome to those with power. My feeling is that however sincere the leaders and participants may be, the movement is seriously misguided. It is not leading towards change, but is undermining it by encouraging passivity and withdrawal from engagement, and offering a false sense that some real alternative is being proposed, except in terms so abstract and divorced from reality as to be virtually meaningless.” Noam Chomsky [2009]
[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

"This shit has got to GO!" lol

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

lol! I agree!

[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by believeingod (-72) 13 years ago

Anarcho-syndicalism proposed in somewhat differing implementations by both Chomsky and Fresco is the great utopian dream proposed by the social liberal anarchists.....two problems though. The disorder to implement it will potentially kill billions due to food shortages, and the vacuum it will create will probably be filled with something tyrannical per human nature.

Our Nation's people and our leaders "Revisiting our Constitution" might be a better place to start for the change needed. Intellectual pontificating by Godless men (ad nauseum) who claim an intellectual moral enlightenment, which exposes their lack of humility continue to lead the impressionable.

Creating a vacuum for tyranny will give all of us a lot more to worry about than crony capitalism which has nothing to do with the free market.

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

I do not believe in human nature. I believe in human nurture. There is not enough evidence to prove human nature exists. All my opinion

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

How can you not believe in human nature?

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

Well what do you think human nature is? Maybe I can explain myself better this way.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

I like google. The general psychological characteristics, feelings, and behavioral traits of humankind, regarded as shared by all humans

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

Well a human that is grows up in a monk society will not show the same behavioral traits as someone growing up in America. Why is that?

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Behavioral traits vary from household to household in America. How's this for a better definition? Human nature refers to the distinguishing characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that humans tend to have naturally.

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

Critical thinking is something that you learn. Everything you know today you have learned. Why is it that sometimes a baby will only blink and get hit in the face when something fly's toward them? then in the future put its hands up? Baby's learn there mothers voice in 7 seconds from birth.

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

Yes what's your point? A baby also has almost no motor control depending on when you are talking about. Even toddlers are not as fully developed as you are talking about

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Only insane people and little children with no experience believe human nature doesn't exist.

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

Prove to me how it does exist. I do not want your opinion. I want fact.

[-] 1 points by believeingod (-72) 13 years ago

while more nurturing would be nice, human nature is both astoundingly beautiful and ugly....some give their lives for each other selflessly and others kill for the fun of it.....most of us are somewhere in the middle.

“Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted. That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” ― Aldous Huxley

There was always the insightful idea that we tend to see the flaws in other people that we have in ourselves. Many times when one struggles with alcoholism they can be the first to see the alcoholic. These inadequacies tend to make us much quicker to judge others for their own flaws than to see our own. We very often violate that which we expect other people to do. ~ C.S. Lewis

[-] 2 points by shield (222) 13 years ago

I don't get why people keep equating the concept of nature with a tendency to act a certain way in a given context. To me, human nature refers to those attributes of human beings which are common to all human beings and which dictate their means of existence.

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

There once birds that didnt feed there young... Now they are extinct. Please try and do more research on human nurture.

[-] 1 points by believeingod (-72) 13 years ago

ok....will get right on that.....geez, your a drone of the anarchist left....any normal peeps on the ows website??? crickets.....

[-] 2 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

I believe in a creator.

[-] 0 points by believeingod (-72) 13 years ago

then you prove my point

Denial of the lostness of humanity causes people to live in denial. Man therefore becomes god and the “Human body becomes the primary area of pleasure for the person who does not live honestly and interactively with God, and also the primary source of terror, torture, and death.”

Self-idolatry rearranges the entire spiritual and moral landscape…John Calvin said that, “the surest source of destruction to men is to obey themselves. Yet self-obedience seems the only reasonable path for nearly everyone: “So blindly do we all rush in the direction of self-love, that every one thinks he has a good reason for exalting himself and despising all others in comparison.

We cannot be changed spiritually as long as we sit on the throne of our universe instead of Christ.

Nurture is great in and of itself but profoundly incomplete because IMPERFECT MAN "which is in it's essence what i mean by human nature" and ALL his designs, good and bad are woefully inadequate...it doesn't matter what you think or even i think....Some intellectual has always been trying to improve on Omnipotent God, his love for us and and his plan for humanity whom he gave free will to be in relationship with him or not. We choose....

Best regards,

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

I didn't say I believe in your god. Jesus Christ is a great man. I suggest people follow his teachings.

[-] 1 points by believeingod (-72) 13 years ago

not my point....

Apart from God we see thru the filter of self, no matter what the political persuasion, no matter the problem or solution. This hurts us...

[-] 1 points by zymergy (236) 13 years ago

Please provide some specific references, links, even YouTube presentations will be watched. (He came up in a YouTube debate with Noam Chomsky a couple of days ago.)

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 13 years ago

Re. JF, pls. see : http://www.thevenusproject.com/ .

[-] 1 points by zymergy (236) 13 years ago

Of course! I was confused. Thank you.


[-] -1 points by FreeDiscussion1 (109) 13 years ago

Jacque Fesco,, on the comedy channel?

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

Noam Chomsky on Zeitgeist & Venus Project

“I don’t regard The zeitgeist Movement as an activist movement. Rather, it seems to me to be a very passive movement that is misled by doctrines that have a pleasant sound, but collapse on analysis. Among them is the idea that we should “stop supporting the system” and should not “fight it,” that is seek to change and overcome it. That means that we should withdraw into passivity. Nothing could be more welcome to those with power. My feeling is that however sincere the leaders and participants may be, the movement is seriously misguided. It is not leading towards change, but is undermining it by encouraging passivity and withdrawal from engagement, and offering a false sense that some real alternative is being proposed, except in terms so abstract and divorced from reality as to be virtually meaningless.” Noam Chomsky [2009]
[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

I do not support the ZM. I think you should do more research on TVP and see for your self.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

i know something about it - seems to me to be a fantasy. we are running out of the resources we need to run our society and this futuristic technology is not the way to go- we need to go back to a simpler life, a less fossil fuel driven society. i imagine that there are elements in the venus project that would be helpful but over all i think it is way out of touch - i think the transition movement is more likely to be helpful and again maybe a combination of some sort. that said we are a long way from the political system recognizing the problem so local communities will have to get started on their own as the transition movement is saying

[-] 1 points by 4TheHumanSocietyProject (504) 13 years ago

Well the reason I like the venus project so much is because of what Jacque says about the human mind and reactions. It is really great stuff. I know the current monetary system does not work. I am open to any idea of a alternative. To be honest the problem is not so much the system but the people in it. That is why I would like you to view Jacque Fresco. I would also like to know of what evidence are we running out of resources. We have designs of machines that need to fossile fuels... why not use them?

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 13 years ago

read about peak oil - lots of info and i do not have time right now - peak oil is just the beginning - copper, coal, iron ore are all declining. it is more difficult to get these resources - all the things that you would need to make those futuristic machines - look up jeremy grantham - time to wake up investors - i disagree about people and systems - the system is of huge importance