Forum Post: Have People watch the movie, "Inside Job".
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 10 a.m. EST by InsideJob
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Those that talk to the Media, please tell them to tell America to Watch the movie "Inside Job". It really explains just how the Banks ripped off American and just how our government open the doors for it to happen. It really demonstrates shows the essential base for your protest! Rodney, North Carolina
The crooked CEOs of these banks need to be brought to Justice!
teddyr you are probably right. It sounds like America just isn't sure what to make of the protest. It also sounds like the protesters aren't sure themselves. I like the movie "Inside Job", it is a top rated documentary. It really opened my eyes to how the banks were allowed to do what they did. If you haven't seen it, I would suggest checking it out. It does a great at demonstrating the collapse of the Banking industry regards of anyone's political view. I think it would also help the protestors find some way of better communicating their true cause to Americans who just don't under stand.
teddyr.... Ocean11 fantasy..... Inside Job....Real life! Perhaps you need to get a life. Plus I have a job. The "Inside Job" demonstrates just what banking CEOs did to cause a meltdown in 2008 and what Washington did to allow it to happen. Watch
Unless you're whole protest is a sham... Then perhaps Ocean11 is more appropriate.
Oh my you are so right. And you have a job! I am not really protesting just poking fun at you kids. This whole thing will blow over quickly since you guys can't find people (or get your mothers) to come to NYC and do your laundry.
Wow, you are really stupid. What about Oceans 11? Much better movie relate too. Go home. Get a job. Grow up.
Also see Meltdown