Forum Post: Have not seen a single protester at Oakland, they are happy were are gone too...
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 9, 2012, 6:11 p.m. EST by iRepresentOWS
from Queens, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have been in Oakland visiting family since Saturday and have not seen a single protester. I even asked some locals and they seemed so happy we were gone. I think it is time to hang up the towels this movement is pretty much dead. We were not even appriciated to start with. Every time I see a post pro-ows online on a different forum it's getting torn appart by others. This forum/website is the only place ows positive, and the only place that actually supports us.
Is this the same person who said the same thing (inaccurately I might add) with respect to NYC OWS (using a sockpuppet)??? Hmmm ....
sockpuppet? Do I look like I am three?
All I can say is that Oakland's OWS must not have been very strong to begin with...... not something this movement needs anyway.
Damn such a shame...