Forum Post: Have a safe revolution!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 8:35 p.m. EST by gardinerth
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just joined the movement, and I like the idea of general assemblies and the (constitutional) notion that when government's stop serving the interests of the people, it is the peoples' right and responsibility dissolve or reform that government (without it's consent).
However I have a major concern here. America needs neither a violent nor dangerous revolution. The U.S. Constitution has in place a means of peaceful revolution; it's called a constitutional convention. I strongly urge the general assemblies of the people to demand a constitutional convention in every state of the nation and demand seats at the convention for all Occupy movements. We need major systemic and institutional reform in this country to end the dominance of the 1% in this nation.
Another thing which concerns me about this movement is the apparent lack of insight into the ways in which entire system is rigged in order to ensure that the 99% must continue to labor in order to produce more wealth for the wealthy. Here are a few things I see:
- The markets are consistently manipulated in many ways to get the masses to invest and the wealthy to siphon off the value of those investments.
- Fines as a punitive measure is so obviously unjust to those with less wealth. A $1000 fine (which are always backed by prosecutions of the poorest of us) to the poor can completely destroy a persons life, cause loss of a home, job, car, incur more financial penalties in other ways from other institutions. But to the wealthy, such a fine is completely meaningless. If fines are to be a legal punitive measure, they should be as a percentage of net worth.
- It is the less wealthy who pay the fees and penalties (which many banks exploit to the nth degree) which banks profit greatly from. The wealthy pay little or nothing, as a rule (at least for the services we all rely on)
- The consumer, being also an employee (in general) of a corporation, gets screwed at all ends to make profit for the top position holders and owners because as a worker, we are paid less and less (proportionally), and as a consumer, paying more and more for products. We are the losers of pressure for greater profits in all ways. Corporate structures and pay structures need reform.
- There are no viable means of the less wealthy to combat getting screwed by businesses in general. We can't afford to take them to court and have no other recourse.
I could go on and on and on. In order for this movement to have any significant meaning or effect is to CLEARLY understand HOW we are being shut out of our own government and how the 1% game us and the system.
ps: please have a look at my profile (my beliefs)