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Forum Post: Have a "look like the media" or "look like Fox News reporters" day as a way of making a humorous but important point..

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:12 p.m. EST by mandydalton (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have a suggestion: Because the press, especially the Fox news folks, are trying to marginalize the OWSers as "Hippies", I suggest a "Dress like the Media day."

By dressing like them and behaving as they do, we might have them discover that they are actually shooting themselves in the foot, because we are doing this AS MUCH FOR THEIR WELL BEING AS OUR OWN.

Perhaps we can have phony microphones and interview them back. Perhaps we should ask them what they are there for and if they can “be more specific” or “tell us what’s your message.” We can make satirical videos showing people how the media marginalizes and dismisses the serious issues that we are bringing to common conversation.

Because the OWS people dress as they wish and often in a utilitarian way for Occupation, we do look as if they never got the memo that Jerry Garcia died (and as a former Dead Head myself, I still dress like this.) But what is clear is that they (The real media and Fox news) are using the way we dress and celebrate life with drumming, as a means of discounting the real world demands that we are making.

Perhaps a humorous form of Ju Jitsu would help. By turning the tables and making fun of the way they dress and the way they behave for one day of the Occupation would help to make the point that you should not marginalize people with a serious grievance just because you disagree with them. Let's take their own weapon and use it on them. I suggest we have a day where all dress in business wear (Jackets, ties, etc.) just to make the point that it's not right to marginalize ANYONE. Look like them and they will have a harder time painting you as "hippies." Perhaps in the process we can remind the Journalists that most of them do not have a retirement, many of them pay for their own healthcare, and few have any job security themselves. Maybe by reflecting them, we can remind them that they are also part of the 99%--it's their corporate executives telling them what to think for their paychecks.



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[-] 1 points by Democracydriven (658) 13 years ago

That's a funny idea.

They could also have some corporate puppets or elephants whispering into their ear

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

Lol! There is not enough hairspray or makeup in the world for that!

[-] 1 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago

rebellion ain't what it used to be

[-] 1 points by mandydalton (1) 13 years ago

I think you can see from one of these posts that looking like the media or looking like fox news while continuing the sleep outside in Zucotti park could have an enormous impact. When we look like them and behave like them they will have trouble making fun of us. Lets go on a search for cast off or donated business wear, and make some microphones and start interviewing the media back and asking them the questions that they are asking us.