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Forum Post: Hateful posts

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 4:06 p.m. EST by tigerlily (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I just wanted to say that the people who post insults and mockery are the perfect example of what is wrong with this nation. Your hatred and greed and lack of compassion for your neighbor are a disgrace. Your hypocrisy is a joke! You will quickly change your tune if you find yourself unemployed or homeless due to circumstances you did not create. I know so many "conservatives" who regularly help themselves to benefits and programs intended for the less fortunate. Stop judging regular middle-class people who are trying to make a positive change, and look at yourselves--you are the problem!



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[-] 2 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

I agree, tigerlily. As Martin Luther King said in the sixties, "America's soul has become poisoned". And part of that poison is a morbid addiction to money and a sociopathic lack of compassion for the less fortunate.

By the way, tigerlily, what is the procedure to post on this site? So far I've only been able to post a comment here and there. Thanks!

[-] 2 points by tigerlily (6) 13 years ago

just go to the main forum page and click on "post" on the upper right area of page :-)

I like your MLK quote, it's right on target

[-] 2 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

Thanks, tigerlily. :-)

I think it's really important to understand that we need a SPIRITUAL revolution, not just a political and economic one.

So far, very few posts have addressed the spiritual dimension. Mind you, I'm not talking about "religion" here... After all, George W. Bush and Tony Blair can be said to be "very religious" people. (Blair is in fact said to suffer from "religious obsession"). But what does their religion have to do with true spirituality, which heals the soul and loosens the grip of ego?

[-] 1 points by tigerlily (6) 13 years ago

Yes, this is a matter of right and wrong--not just what's legal and not legal. If more people were in a good place spiritually, they would naturally want to do what's right instead of only focusing on hoarding cash and material possessions.

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

"I like to walk about amidst the beautiful things that adorn the world; but private wealth I should decline, or any sort of personal possessions, because they would take away my liberty." George Santayana

I bet Henry Thoreau could have cosigned that! Many of the greatest sages led very simple lives. And I'm not talking about asceticism at all... merely about FREEDOM from the obsession to acquire and accumulate. That oh so American obsession is a source of suffering, as the Buddha so well observed.

I myself have often been ridiculed or called "cheap" by my colleagues at work for not owning a car. Jokingly I respond that I have a "Peugeot", but it's a bike... I have always loved cycling and hope to be able to cycle well into my eighties like Jimmy Carter.

And I've never owned my own home either. Even though I have a wife and child, we never felt the need for it! In fact, we derived great FREEDOM from our simple lifestyle : we had less worries, less stress, a lot more free time and more money to spend on important things or to donate to people in need or other worthwhile causes.

And we're not "saints" or "special" in any way. We simply didn't buy into the "consumerist" trip. I guess we were blessed to stumble upon a simple recipe for happiness that Lao Tzu summarizes nicely: "Contentment is the greatest of all treasures".

Years ago in Califonia there was a "Voluntary Simplicity" movement which is along those lines and it has probably spread all over the world by now. :)

[-] 1 points by barrycooper (14) 13 years ago

You have to be ideologically compatible. These people talk like they are of the people, but they are really a bunch of hateful, idea-free losers, who want the Cargo of life without doing anything to earn it.

Their big idea? Other People's Money.

(hint: it's been tried. Not working out so well in Europe right now).

[-] 1 points by TIOUAISE (2526) 13 years ago

WHO is the hateful one, pray tell?

Hmmm, that odor.... Methinks I smell a TROLL!

[-] 1 points by Chupacabra (55) from Houston, TX 13 years ago

Case in point:

"Now comes a new study from Switzerland's University of St. Gallen showing that the most successful of the global financial elite probably pose more of a menace to society than known psychopaths." David Sirota http://www.creators.com/liberal/david-sirota/stopping-the-insanity.html

[-] 1 points by IWantFreeStuff (119) from New Orleans, LA 13 years ago

Hmmmm. . . <looks deep into my own soul>. . . .

Nerp. You are wrong.

Let me quote a great American. A real war hero. A man who believed in true fiscal conservatism. "Ask Not what your country can do for you. Ask, instead, what you can do for your country."

[-] 1 points by JackPulliam3rd (205) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by simple (15) 13 years ago

agreed, you are only broke and starving until you are not broke and starving.....how soon people forget the troubles of their brother

[-] 1 points by Indy4Change (254) from Columbia, SC 13 years ago

tigerlily - just as an FYI, there are plenty of posts being made by people within the movement against anybody and everybody who debates with them that are insulting, hateful, and mean-spirited too. Why just the other day, I got a "F* You" from someone who contributed nothing to the article - his purpose for posting was simply to SPAM his own website and cause (supplementing the OWS movement) and I politely called him out when we were having a rational debate about the issues without his SPAM. You can't turn this into an "us versus them" debate when the "us" is just as guilty as the "them" and more importantly when the goal of "us" is to truly represent "them" and make one big "us". Just an observation...

[-] 1 points by tigerlily (6) 13 years ago

You are right. It is a shame.