Forum Post: Has OWS made an official list of demands?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 12:35 p.m. EST by TakingBackAmerica78
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If so where can I find it? Thanks.
No, why would they want to do that? It would be suicide.
Lol, what? That's like saying "We're gonna fight but we don't know what for!" I think this movement lingering on without some set goals would be suicide.
Read the declaration. Then understand that making demands recognizes authority, and that recognizing corrupt authority legitimizes tyranny.
Read the news section to see the actions being taken. There are just too many demands to list,. the occupation ends when the power structures have been realigned and people have a just society.
There are no official demands yet, but it's being worked on. Here's the Jobs for All demand, not passed by the General Assembly as of yet:
Jobs for ALL—A Massive Public Works and Public Service Program
We demand a democratically-controlled public works and public service program, with direct government employment, to create 25 million new jobs at good union wages. The new jobs will go to meeting the needs of the 99%, including education, healthcare, housing, mass transit, and clean energy. The program will be funded by raising taxes on the rich and corporations and by ending all U.S. wars. Employment in the program will be open to all, regardless of immigration status or criminal record.
This is an unbelievable addition to our arsenal, IF we choose to use it. And if we don't why not? It has real teeth and who could possibly disagree with its message? It defines the actual problem, gives us a real united cause, yet still includes all of our issues. Think of it as a soapbox large enough for all of us to stand on. The New Common Sense:
I demand double ply quilted toilet paper. That is all.
I have been in so many arguments about this.
Some say we must demand__
I believe we must demand OF OURSELVES to work for goals that we desire and are willing to achieve ourselves.
The population - here - seems to be divided into three groups
1) people like me who seek to change things in the system - that are achieveable
2) people who want to change things by abolishing the system - in many cases I respect their goals - and some of them are very wise. But their goals are not - really attainable.
Consider some of the major "transitions" in the last 300 years.
None - from a nazi dictator - split to a communist & democratic system
OR the French revolution none approach the radicalness of what some are "demanding". An interesting intellectual exercize - but I want to work for what is realistically attainable - not necessarily easy - but attainable
3) the trolls and the lemmons
OWS makes no demands, just brings about victory, like in Ohio election.
have they?
We need a better way to fight back. Protesting is courageous! But we have to do very big things to solve our very big problems. We need a new vision for America and a revolution to move it forward. We'll never get outside the box until we start thinking outside the box... FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( ) Free people shouldn't act or live like slaves...
I asked the same question last week, when my post got some traction..... it got mysteriously deleted! I had another thread asking why my post was deleted:
Yes OWS has a list of demands
I hope this is a joke.
and a bagel.
Duffle bag with $30 in small bills and a getaway scooter.
I think you're on the wrong forum. You might wanna try
why is that?
Because there are people who are trying to change things for the betterment of everyone. People who come on here and try to dissuade people from engaging in conversation, weaken the political process. Either agree or disagree don't just be a fucking clown. If you disagree with the protests make an argument for why. Only in America is there this whole subset of idiots that are just so complacent and out to lunch that they can look at what is going on and joke about it. People live and die by the way we do shit in this country and even though you seem to be oblivious to that fact doesn't give you the right to hinder the process with your retarded ramblings.
I have to watch your crap on the evening news. I should be able to give some crap back.
Despite being a supporter of OWS, I thought your original comment was pretty funny.
You don't have to watch the evening news. If you do, you must like the taste of the shit corporate media is feeding you.
So you are telling me that YOU,,,, have NO IDEA,,,, what is going on in our country and around the world because you dont watch the news? You are isolated from what happened today.
You actually think that the corporate media - especially the televised corporate media - tells you what's going on in the world?
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
How would you know if you dont watch TV? or corporate newspapers? You made it apparent you dont follow the news of the day. You are unware. That's cool with me.
TV makes people stupid.
You want news? Try international print media, independent journalists and alternative news sources.
You have a computer and web access, try it out. But beware, what you read may not jive with your belief system, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck or the errors, omissions and outright lies of the corporate media.
Oh, Provda. The "government" news.
Yep, that's it. There is only one news source on the entire world wide web and you nailed it.
Thanks for proving my point: TV makes people stupid.
I know, and it sucks, but you could direct that energy to a solution.
I have been. Your just not listening.
ok, i apologize.
Sorry, I'm just being a fucking clown. Honk honk. Just shitting with the idiots.
completely off point.
TakingBackAmerica78 was asking for a OWS demand.. I suggest CAP sales profit as a possible demand.. how is that off point?
No. and i quote "Has OWS made an official list of demands?"
Not, here is a demand.
OWS purpose is to voice grievance through peaceful assembly , not "list-demands.
See. Was that so hard. You answered the question.
not really was a yes or no question .. haha laughing
And yet you are the only one in this entire discussion to answer the question.
So you're saying Walmart should have to show the cost of everything they sell so you know what the markup is. I'll help you out... it's roughly doubled. That's how they pay the light bill, the property taxes, the employees, the insurance etc... How about services. Should a college have to show their cost to run a class?
The Sales profit CAP will be placed on all points between buy and sell. A service such as a college .. possibly would be exempt.. restaurants would be exempt.. banks would not. auto dealerships would not be exempt. The owners of walmart are on the fortune five hundred list .. those light bills can't be that big ! all manufacturing would be exempt
I was a partner in a small business. We had less than 2000 square feet and our electric bill averaged $700 per month. I'm guessing a Walmart has a huge light bill. Colleges are big business, so I don't see why they would get a free pass.
Colleges are producers of well trained individuals .. the people who buy and sell produce nothing.. they will have a profit CAP.
Keep in mind this CAP is in actuality just a patch on an overall bad system .. take the tax collecting budget idea , which is part of the bigger system, it also is a failed idea .. we are working with .. there are many other unfairness and inequalities .. But this profit CAP is one of the BIGGEST unfairness of them all and it is causing economic disaster.. we CAP this and the ship refloats itself .. for a little while longer .. at least til we get to "dry land.
Colleges sell degrees. They don't produce anything. Well trained individuals are a result of experience not classroom. How would a profit cap work on E-bay? Would sellers have to post the cost of an item they found in their attic? What if it's one of a kind and two people want it? Is the bidding capped?
and they aren't teaching much these days. they don't teach the constitution in government anymore.
They teach to tests, just like secondary school
The CAP would only apply on new product .
and yes Colleges produce well trained students.. a student doesn't simply buy their degree .. c'mon .. the student is trained .. they pay for the training..
You do understand that if you put a cap on "sales profits", huge big box corporate sellers would have even more of an edge over privately owned "community" stores, right?
The bigger the retailer, the higher their sales volume... the more profitable they can be on small margins.
Like most of the brilliant ideas on here, this idea would drive the independent business out of business and benefit the very corporations you decry.
what would that matter to me with who takes the profit? mom and pop or big box ? they are both middleman ..but it might actually work opposite of what you think.. privately owned community stores do not have the over head corporations taking a chunk of the profit , they have it all to themselves .. while the big box stores have many layers of administration digging into the profits .. skimping on shares..