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Forum Post: Has OWS become "Le'ts make some noise and make some news"?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 11:28 a.m. EST by yupyup (2)
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I need to say this and yes I'll be accused of being a troll, but the public and even NY1 is becoming indifferent to the OWS cause, why because 1) the public has better things to do than continue to tune into a protest that has no message, it's like watching paint dry, 2) because only the nutcases of OWS get coverage. Time to think about going home.



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[-] 1 points by enough (587) 13 years ago

Plus the real bad guys are in Washington, not only on Wall Street. That's where the power is. Willie Sutton robbed banks because that's where the money is. #OWS should occupy DC in massive numbers because Washington is where the power is.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

There is a message every time a protester is arrested in direct opposition to the intent of the 1st and 14th amendments. There is message in the arrests at the NY bank where customers were held hostage by security forces and hauled away to jail. There is a message in the biased coverage by media, and the lack of coverage by main stream media. Your personal need for something fast and attention grabbing probably does reflect some portion of our society, but more people get it than do not, I think.

[-] 1 points by sweetpeas (4) from New York, NY 13 years ago

post comment ↥ ↧ sweetpeas (New York, NY) 1 points 0 seconds ago

I've work all my life and now im about to be homeless how do one make end meet when you only make 13.00 hr and your rent is 1,100.00 a mth?The mth of September i was summon to Grand Jury duty I didn't finish it until last wk,now 17 mth of this mth I must appear in front of a judge to explain this.I always work 60 hrs a wk to pay my rent but scent I did my America duty i couldn;t work 60 hr wk.I lost my mother a couple of yrs age and she left me some thing so maybe I could sell them,I have right now 655.00 in my acct.I just don't know what to do,I ask my boss for OT but he said their cutting down on OT.what can I do? I got to find a way. Bronx.lady.It's not easy been green.

I'm willing to join Occupy and help.Maybe i could buy hot chocolate and coffee tea and severs it to our Occupy protests.I was with them Oct 5 at the Brooklyn Bridge area.I met some nice good hard working loving people.I was truly surprises and happy with these young people... permalink