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Forum Post: Has anyone here considered the fact that you want change but first you will be inheriting a debt ridden governmant and stagnent economy?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by poltergist22 (159)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Two years ago I started a non-profit called nationalday911.org I started it because i see people losing their homes and jobs so I started researching what happened that got us in this situation.(I have to tell you I have had financial problems myself and I am not running for office) I know about the financial misdealing on Wall Street and in the housing Industry and with globalization there were jobs sent overseas but you know what seemed to be the deciding factor in our economic downturn IT WAS SEPTEMBER 11th 2001, just a few blocks from where the main demonstration is now. First I keep hearing that there is only so much money and it isn't trickling down to us (yep I would be included as a 99%er) but if you look at the bailouts the first one was the airline industry (because of 9/11) then of course came the wars(9/11 again) (to date about 4 Trillion dollars)and building a new Homeland Security Agency(9/11again) ( to date about 3 trillion dollars) now at this point the Government is way in Debt they don't raise any taxes to pay for the wars or new agency and then Partly because of the climate of wars and terrorism the other bailouts begin T.A.R.P for the banks who made bad loans and didn't anticipate the economy slowing down to the extent it did because of yep you guessed it 9/11 A.I.G. maybe because they paid out Billions because of yep you guessed it 9/11(they have always given huge bonuses but those were nothing compared to what 9/11 cost them. Now we have a government who is scared to raise taxes to pay the bills ( not a good re-election platform if you know what I mean) Does not have the man-power or gonads to prosecute wealthy swindlers. But I do not believe we should be prosecuting any one who has become successful legally. I do not believe Americans are demonstrating against some symbol of the 1%ers and the 99%ers if these 1%ers have committed crimes then prove it, present it to the authorities ,do not generalize accusations against people because they are successful. I do not want to Spam this site but when I heard what is going on there I had to write this and ask people to visit nationalday911.org and see a different way to do this. It is a nationalistic web site but I have complaints myself about corruption and power I believe working within the system is the best way to accomplish FREEDOM but in today's dangerous world we need to unite to help everyone. 4 Comments



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[-] 1 points by poltergist22 (159) 13 years ago

So your saying to collapse the system?Have bank employees quit. Don't demonstrate for JUSTICE? Just let it all go? I think we should demand these people be prosecuted. We should shore up the Federal Government and give those in the Government a chance to do what they are elected to do and that is to look out for the people in their Districts not just wealthy or influential people but the working people who are the majority in this country.

[-] 1 points by Nulambda (265) 13 years ago

I think these crimes have been documented. Anybody with YouTube can find this evidence. People who keep clamering for proof are just using stall tactics, or are to lazy to do research themselves, in my opinion.

Look, the banks committed fraud on the American people. They fed deregulated these markets, with the help of appointed ex bankers, produced the debt in this economy so they could acquire more wealth, and saddled the American public with the bill. It was a scam.

Banks make money on lending. If a person can not make their payments, their assets arevseized. Same is true for governments. Hence the privatization if government services. Who owns the debt in your life? Until your debt is paid, the lender actually owns the property aquifer by debt. So how much do you think the banks really own? My guess is almost everything. Our economy grew due to debt lending. This system cannot be supported forever, much like a pyramid scheme. What we are seeing now is a collapse of this system. This is not capitalism. This is usury, plain and simple.

If we want to stop perpetuating this fraud, then it is up to thosevwho unwittingly have worked for the banks to stop working for them. Choose to side with the American public and the global community and refuse to work for these crooks. I think that is why Wall Street is a legitimate target. It is not that we are against Wall Street, but if those who work Wall Street refused to participate in an illegal finical racketeering scam, then the bankers would loose their grip on the economy, and wealth could be more easily accessible to every American.

[-] 1 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

Trickle Down Economics is actually how we got here. then the repeal of Glass Steagal finished us off.