Forum Post: Has America really gotten to this point?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 5 p.m. EST by youngmoney
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why do people who ask legit questions or bring up ledit points get banned? Does the occupy movement only believe in free speech when it agrees with them?
"Does the occupy movement only believe in free speech when it agrees with them?"
The answer is yes.
And its so funny in the "rules" they said there should not be any pro politician posts, yet all the pro obama posts are allowed to remain
Right after posting this thread i was banned....
You are not the 99% because the 99% does NOT agree with everything you agree with!
I agree. I've noticed that if I don't agree with someone they label me as the 1% when really I'm just the 99% with other opinions. The 99% consists of Americans with ALL sorts of backgrounds, we need different perspectives for solving problems we all deal with. Everyone who isn't the 1% is the 99%, let us ALL talk even if you don't agree.
Who got banned, for asking what question. Keep in mind the mods here don't represent the entire movement, only themselves.
Yes. You must be new here. Don't tell them the Truth. It hurts their feelings.