Forum Post: Hartmann: What #OWS & The Tea Party Agree on to Revolutionize America
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:44 a.m. EST by 99ymous
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A nation pregnant with revolution - as ours is today - doesn't just give up. But the real question is...what KIND of revolution does the nation want? What's the real change people are looking for? Since President Obama took office - two revolutionary groups - or ideologies - have sprung up - The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street. And while on the surface - they may seem like they want to bring about two completely different revolutions - a closer look reveals there is a common thread. A chart on Democratic Underground today that breaks it all down.
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agree with poster, both seem to want same thing (gov and business out of each others pockets) but are approaching them from different directions.
The Tea Party are communists? Oh I get it - a joke? right? doubleplusgood fun, comrade. ;p
A Communist Revolution obviously. Just look at the movement!