Forum Post: Harper Brings the US's War on Women to Canada
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 24, 2014, 11:20 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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"Status of Women Canada, the federal organization tasked with just this, has always had a laughably small budget. Consider that Status of Women Canada is mandated to promote "equality [and the] full participation in the economic, social and democratic life of Canada" of half the population. All that with an operating budget that amounts to $1.67 per woman and girl in Canada."
Libe(R)topia, destroying human rights Worldwide since the 70s.
Just like the libe(R)topians want to do here.
Crushing the 99% and their unions for fun and profit.
War on Canada Post too. just like the war on USPS and it's unions here in the US.
cant enforce inequality without violence
Save Canada Post!
If you're in Canada, please sign.
Meanwhile, back in this country we have this on-going development;
Sen. Feinstein's [Democrat] Husband Selling Post Ofiices to Cronies on the Cheap
those buildings are solid
Ahh yes, bring ye olde partisanship into things.
Now if you would be so kind as to explain what that has to do with exporting postal profitereering from here, to Canada?
I agree with you, the partisan BS that you see here on a non-partisan Occupy forum, on a daily basis is outrageous. Errr...that is what you implied, right?
So it is important for people to realize that politicians from both parties are screwing us. Together, we are succeeding in doing that. Don't you think?
Your comment did not seem to have much to do with the thread, other than those injustices were both taking place in Canada.
My reply to your comment was right on as both had to do with post offices. And as we both know comments do stray from the original thread.
Good on you, for finally admitting that you are a bullshitting partisan.
Now would you please explain how your extremely US partisanship comment, had anything at all to do with profitization of the Canadian postal service?
I mean without your obvious continued attempt at bullshit partisanship?
hey shooz - dumping on a political party is not partisan if you dump on both parties - no?? both parties are responsible for privatizing the u.s. post - no? you do know why the post is running in the red don't you? talk to your mail carrier and they will give you a very sad story. do you mind telling me why 4 comments are removed - are they nonsense or obscene or racist - will mine be removed for asking why they were removed - I am curious. not really trying to annoy you here - as you know I am trying to play by the rules but I need to know them in order to do that!
It is partisan. Cases of opposition legitimize the parties
could you explain further -that makes no sense to me.
we acknowledge the party as an authority that must be opposed
now I know why I don't read your comments often. if you don't have anything to say why say anything?
I agree
it's rare when I write a paragraph
so no to both parties privatizing the post office and yes to racist etc?
No to your first statement.....yes?
,,huh ?? lol Please splain to me how my comment was an admission by me of being a "bull shitting partisan." ??
I mean what's so partisan about saying, 'So it is important for people to realize that politicans from both parties are screwing us.'
Here's a link for you to show you how, like most Occupiers, I too am a non-partisan.
"Cynical and diabolic": Issa [Republican] attracts allies in quest to demolish Postal service it's your turn to denunciate a Democrat. Go ahead....come onnn, It will be therapeutic for you. ;-)
And BTW, do you know that even in the UK, the neocons want to privatize the PO there too?