Forum Post: Happy Pearl Harbor Day 1942 - Now Post 911 - OWS Orwellian Order 2011
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 4:25 a.m. EST by owsleader2011
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Not long ago the USA ignored warning of a Japan attack on Pearl Harbor and the entire pacific fleet was destroyed, USA wanted to justify entering the war WWII, and needed an attack but under estimated the scale.
Jump to 911, BUSH wanted to start WWIII, but let the 911 WTC plane crash go down, but again they under-estimated the effect, destroyed the USA government and economy. A dozen Arab boy's with box cutters and a $10K USdollar budget caused $100 Trillion Dollar damage to US economy.
Now in the ashes of a failed USA state OWS trys to start a new HOPE&CHANGE.
Not going to happen run for your life.
And the attack was in 1941, not 1942.
I was wrong, you are no repelican at all.
You have failed to learn the stark lesson of this Most Infamous date.
The entire Pacific Fleet was not destroyed, even though much of it still rests at the bottom of Pearl Harbor.
And the lesson so clearly to be drawn:
There is nothing like the steel and determination of a free people. We cannot be defeated.
We will not run.
We will not hide.
We are not afraid.
We will deal with those who use religion as a pretext for population control and management. We have them here, among us, in this, a secular, a progressive, nation.
1942? Pearl Harbor was attacked december 7th , 1941.
They are probably sleeping. I'm on the west coast.
The entire pacific fleet was not destroyed at Pearl Harbor. The attack was a failure. The Japs did not sink a single American aircraft carrier. Just by luck, all of our carriers were out to sea on maneuvers. Our carriers returned to destroy the entire Jap fleet at the battle of Midway.
911 was an attack on the WTC banks.
Where are the 911 freaks? Quit for the day?