Forum Post: Happy Holidays To All
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 24, 2012, 7:32 p.m. EST by Nevada1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Happy Holidays To All
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 24, 2012, 7:32 p.m. EST by Nevada1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Happy Holidays To All
"The Greatest Gift For All", by Paul Craig Roberts :
and a happy, hippy, hope filled holiday to you, 'Nev1' & all who read here and who strive for a better, saner, more just tomorrow.
pax vobiscum ...
And to You and Yours.
Happy Holidays to you too Nevada!!!
Merry pagan consumerism day!
Happy Holidays to you and yours Dear Nevada1. Peace & Joy be with you!
And a happy new year
smoking a fatty merry x mas!!!!
Happy Holidays to you too, Nevada, and to all. Peace on Earth.
Merry Christmas,the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Found and interesting quote... maybe just to me since I don't know much about the nisene Creed or Council. It has to do with Orthodoxy and Heresy.
"...Some historians define and minimize the Arian conflict as the exclusive construct of Arius and a handful of rogue bishops engaging in heresy; but others recognize Arius as a defender of 'original' Christianity, or as providing a conservative response against the politicization of Christianity seeking union with the Roman Empire..."
End Quote. Found it here:
The only reason it is interesting at all is that Early Christians had to come together to create Orthodox Beliefs. The bisophs were engaged in debating anyone that didn't believe in Christ. These people were called Heritics. It just always is interesting in America to look at what is called Conservative thought ...especially in politics.
I guess Christians are really well prepared to argue about Christ or politics maybe ... because it is part of the culture and history of the Church.
the Arian position was officially declared heterodox.
Organized religious observance existed long before law; to be empowered one must challenge the polity through some rational appeal to the people in an effort to garnish support.
We label this religious "difference." And obviously Arius was relatively successful. But it need be noted, we are not the cultural descendants of Arius or even Rome for that matter. And yet our founders were not Trinitarians, either.
Interesting info. We all know that Pagan Icons and Beliefs were incorporated into Christian Churches and that Christian Churches were built on top of older Pagan sites. Culture gets wiped out by new culture where possible. And compromises were made bringing pagan elements into the Christian Church. And we know we can visit the oldest churches and see pagan images on the buildings.
It seems that Power and Control over culture and people was the priority as far back as 2000 years ago.
I suppose most of us are decended from European Culture on this site. But it seems useful to look at Lingustics for the oldest culture. This year have been looking a little at Summerian culture as the oldest. We have an Indoeuropean language we seems to trace back to Pakistan and India, to the Indus valley.
But a few writers seem to be making a career out of looking at Sumerian culture and saying the oldest stories we know were spread and writting in the Kingdoms of Sumer. And the law of sumer seems to be very well developed and is at least equal to our laws.
Would like to hear more about our Christian roots. I'm not knowledgeable of how we connect to the churches that were instituationalized after the Christian Cults.
Jesus is OK with Pagans. Feliz Navidad!
In America, Jesus was VERY ok with pagans.
Channeling Jesus stevebol?
Always! You don't have to be a Christian to like Jesus.
too bad his bday wasn't even on the 25th! ;)
I don't think Jesus Christ would say the same to a guy who calls himself outlawtumor.
Seems like you're working for the other side to me.
Thinking for Jesus now GypsyKing?
Just stating the obvious.
You're oblivious to the obvious. That's why you're a Leftist.
dumb-dumb-dumb-dumb DUMB
Merry Christmas to you too.
lol But seriously Happy Holidays!
Cool,Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
What is the obvious then, oh sage of the obvious? You have now presented yourself here as a champion of the obvious, so I would apppreciate very much if you would clue us in . . .
None of us have ever encountered the obvious before, so we are waiting with bated breath for your neo-cons to clue us in.
There's nothing like hearing from the self-described experts!
You people are too much. Can't even stop venting your hatreds on Christmas.
Well, I'll say it one last time (and I mean it), even though it's an echo in the dark . . .
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you too.
May the Lord change your heart and mind so you realize that the most obvious thing in this life is to love and live with honesty. To cherish life and not abort it. To cherish life and defend it,even if you need a gun. To protect your life and that of your family with what ever means you can. To understand that Democrats and Progressives are the most anti-American people ever to try and destroy the Founders America. May the Lord Bless you.