Forum Post: Hank Paulson Tipping Hedge Funds
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 12:34 p.m. EST by sick
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Treasury Secretary tipping hedge funds prior to lehman and freddie/fannie setting these guys up with the ability to make billions...arrest HANK PAULSEN and HIS GOLDMAN SACHS BUDDIES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The French Revolution is the model for financial collapse. When the house of cards collapses, summary executions are held.
hell the f'ck yeah
Yes, watch this documentary.
Not only Henry "Hank" Paulson should be liable. Larry Summers, Alan Greenspan, Frederic Mishkin,Timothy Geithner, Glen Hubbard and more...
Obama bullshit:
No, no, we can't do that. These guys and the Hedge Fund managers are capitalists who EARNED their riches.
so funny
opensociety4us -> Sometimes virtual formats don't lend well to sarchasm n the like. Let us fear the trolls who will read this ridiculous comment as reality.
sadly, that's true
There is just so much to be furious about.