Forum Post: Guys your going after the wrong people
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 7:58 a.m. EST by Alldeesx3
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How about going after the ones that enabled the Wall street fat cats? The ones who hold up any progression forward through gridlock...the very ones that are bought and paid for by big business....Washington is where we need to be.
I've been in 100% support for this movement from the start but honestly I'm starting to get this feeling that Obama is being coddled by the movement. Don't kid yourselves he's part of the problem too.
i think most here are aware of the connection, its just a matter of time. be patient, stay focused and stay united
Good answer
Chicken/egg argument again? Arguments could be made for both. My opinion: They enable each other almost equally. Arguing for one or the other is a big fat waste of time. Wanna protest in Washington? Go do it with my blessing. Let's not criticize those who disagree. Support everyone.
Of course they enable each other but the almighty buck starts and stops in Washington. They're the decision makers, seems pretty simple to me
The almighty buck starts with corporations and wall street. They produce the money and throw it at Washington. Even people with the most integrity can be corrupted when enough money is thrown at them. Seems pretty clear to me.
I'm partly playing devil's advocate there, but hopefully you can see how it could be equally obvious to other people that the money source is to blame. It's a pure chicken/egg argument, all a matter of perspective, and not worth polarizing the movement over. We're all fighting for the same things and should support every effort to do it.
Actually, the Fed produces the money. FYI
Makes the money, then. Happy? Let's not get dragged down into semantics.
I understand the point about big business getting the message but am baffled by the the "it's all their fault" attitude of some.
I don't blame Obama for all our problems I'm not that naive, I was talking about all of Washington from the senate to the congress to the Potus.... what ever happened to accountability? They are in charge...Hello is this thing on?
Asking Congress to pass laws that oversee Wall St. is like asking the fox to watch the hen house. I think we all agree that the system is broken and for change to occur, the movement must speak with a clear and articulate voice. That voice is "$". When we stop enabling, by supporting the entertainment industry, i.e. professional sports, movies, running out to buy the latest electronic gadget, spending at the big box stores etc. Only then will we get their attention.
Obama coddled by this movement? Hardly. I would guess most people who support the movement are no friends of B. Obama anymore. If he'd delivered on most of the promises he made in 2008 we probably wouldn't be here. Truth is most of us believe he's just as much a part of the problem as the Wall st. Banksters that have filled his pockets.
While the lack of ethics on the part of many business men and women as well as politicians and union organizers has not helped the world get to where it is, the majority of occupiers and their families have not helped either by taking on loans they can't afford, maxing out credit cards, and insisting on consuming far beyond their means. There's a lot of work to be done.
I have posted elsewhere that we need a March and Demonstration in the Capitol. We need to organize a massive protest and shut down the govt. and be be prepared for non-violent civil disobedience. We can plan it for the Spring and mass over 1 million people. That gives us time to plan, gather speakers, have List of Demands such as those proposed by ThomasPaine , see: Simultaneously, we can organize massive attack on Banks and Financial Institutions through daily protests, urging people to withdraw money, going in for loans and then canceling, phoning in and taking up time on lines, and all other kinds of acts monkey-wrenching the system. Jam all their ATMs with plastic cement. Etc. Etc.
Most people here don't want to accept that Washington bailed out Wall St and not the other way round. Washington makes and passes the laws and not the other way round.
They are mostly holding the belief that Obama had no choice and no chance to implement his hope and change and anti-war promises but instead he was held at gunpoint and forced to accept the most donations ever given to a Presidential candidate in history by Wall St banks and corporations. He was then forced to bailout those same donors. And he was also forced to increase troop numbers in existing wars and commit troops in as many undeclared wars as possible.
The only thing you can take to the bank about Obama is that he is bought and paid for. The chicken and the egg argument is for babies who don't get how seriously close the US dollar is from losing its reserve status and how Obama is primed to pick a fight with Iran over anything to start WW3.
But waking up to reality is a long and difficult process for many people. This movement has just begun and maybe some will realize voting for someone slick, who speaks nice and has billions of dollars to achieve overnight celebrity status perhaps doesn't actually have the skillset to do the job. But hey what would I know.
The political system is so utterly corrupt and devoid of the principles that America was founded on, that there are probably only a handful of worthy individuals in the current govt worthy of their positions.
Obama is a constitutional lawyer and won a Nobel peace prize. Good grief.
"Truth is treason in an empire of lies"
They are aware of that my friend. Thats why they are protesting Wall St. Because they know Wall St runs the politicians including the commander and chief
ABSOLUTELY you are correct! Wall St and the Banks are only doing what they've been permitted to do. Greed is the nature of the beast in the financial world and it isn't always entirely bad. The dismantling of regulations in favor of Wall St & corporate interests have brought us to this point. We MUST get the $ out of Washington. If we do these issues go away. The wars go away as well. At the same time I don't advocate leaving the downtown area. We must keep up the pressure...with a little more focus to the south...
...which they're permitted to do because Washington is corrupted by the money corporations direct there.
Again this is a circular, useless debate. The problem is both, they're equal partners in crime.
Our government is no longer a government. It's a 'get rich quick' scheme. I have to agree with this.
Of course Obama is a problem. And the reason he is a problem is because wall street has bribed him to do there bidding just like they bribing everyone else in congress
This is not a Washington D.C. phenomenon. Yes the people in Congress who are bought and paid for by the corporations are PART of the problem, but the ROOT of the problem is corporate greed and that starts in the boardrooms. We need to focus our attacks on corporate greed.