Forum Post: Guns should be just as easy to get as dynamite
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 17, 2012, 8:54 p.m. EST by brightonsage
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Have you ever tried to buy dynamite? It has a lot of legitimate uses. My brother-in-law used to use it for fishing. Just as sporting as hunting with an AR-15 with a 100 round magazine.
It didn't exist before the Civil War. The semiautomatic pistol wasn't invented until a little later,1893, so the founders didn't know about either.of them. But I am sure if they had, they would have written them both into the second amendment. Why should it be harder to get dynamite than to get semi-automatic pistols and rifles?
To buy it, you first get a federal explosives license. You will need to prove three things: 1. that you are a good person, 2. that you need the license for professional reasons, and 3. that you have a safe, secure place to store your explosives before you use them. (No mention about target blasting. or home protection) After you have this, you contact an explosives supplier who will sell you the explosives you are licensed to have--if you are licensed to have water gel slurry explosives and not dynamite, you can't buy dynamite.
There doesn't seem to be an exception for buying it at a local dynamite show. The National Dynamite Association doesn't seem to get too worked up about it though.
"In Arizona, one-day gun sales jumped 60 percent after a gunman killed six people in a Tuscon parking lot and wounded others, including then-U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Similarly, in Colorado, after 12 people were killed inside a suburban movie theater in July, background checks for gun purchases reportedly spiked 41 percent. In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, these checks have spiked again, reaching a record-high for the year."“The two busiest days I’ve witnessed during my four years in the business,” Marquardt said, “was the day after Obama was elected, and ahead of that, last Saturday. The AR-15 style rifle, a weapon of choice in both the Colorado shooting and last Friday’s shooting in Connecticut, accounted for more than 25 percent of ArmsX’s recent sales, Marquardt said.”
Making them equally accessible? Now that seems sensible doesn't it?
Have you tried to buy aerosol paint suitable for graffiti? It's under lock and key, because it wasn't in the second amendment either.
There's no need to buy dynamite; you can make it in your garage. Just be careful with the nitro, that's all.
I wasn't advocating getting dynamite. The point is getting dynamite commercially is difficult. Getting a gun is easy. Too easy.
They are...
So, where is the link to make Bushmasters? Cerberus sold their investment in the parent company so you might have to make your own, with a 3D printer, unless the Koch's buy in quick like. You know how they like to invest in a good thing.
'Bushmaster' is the only assault rifle "not" sold on the black market out of the trunk of a car?
That's because they are so easy to get, you can't make any money that way. Walmart is the place to shop.
Your comedy inspires me as I realize that Wal-Mart is also running out of business the 'small family run' illegal weapons traders.
And that's another thing we can thank them for. It's that old "fix inefficiency at any cost" deal.
No trunk, no car, no dangerous and shady salesman: Just another piece of merchandise on the shelf sold by a friendly sales representative/associate.
You are hysterical and I thank you for it.
Well I haven't had my mental health checked the way the NRA has been lobbying for so diligently, so hysterical, I may well be. But if they get those checks, their membership figures to drop by about 98.6%.
Wal-Mart can still hire them to sell guns, regardless of their mental stability, right?
As long as they don't ask for benefits, they can. Of course the NRA is going to fund mental health check ups. They may lose about 95% of their members, though.
If outside sources are to check the mental stability of members and not Ted Nugent than yes the NRA will shrivel and die. What will replace it I ask.
A police officer in every family home ought to do the trick.
A police officer will need to be there in every family home anyway to monitor what goes on in the bedroom, don't you know?
Of course. Who else can be trusted to ensure fertility? not to mention the safety of every valuable worker.
Of course, it is obvious. Be safe.
It is so very hard to keep my mouth shut here. So, very, very hard.
It's killing me. All of it is bad wrong to say................but, it would be funny.
We are all friends here, except those who aren't. And of course those who think a warped sense of humor is right up there with, oh, suggesting that every man woman and child shouldn't be required to carry all of the guns they can.
Most of this is horribly unfunny, but what some have the temerity to say, and actually think is, well, ..... laughable.
Oh, good because my mind hit the gutter and I was laughing. I had about 20 different things run through my head and it was so very hard.
The MORE GUNS the BETTER! Even more people need to be slaughtered so we, as Americans can fulfill our desire to destroy ourselves.'s only death. All of us will get to the same place. Some, just a bit sooner than others.
The MORE GUNS the BETTER! Even more people need to be slaughtered so we, as Americans can fulfill our desire to destroy ourselves.'s only death. All of us will get to the same place. Some, just a bit sooner than others.
The MORE GUNS the BETTER! Even more people need to be slaughtered so we, as Americans can fulfill our desire to destroy ourselves.'s only death. All of us will get to the same place. Some, just a bit sooner than others.
The MORE GUNS the BETTER! Even more people need to be slaughtered so we, as Americans can fulfill our desire to destroy ourselves.'s only death. All of us will get to the same place. Some, just a bit sooner than others.
You seem redundundant?
What are the gun laws like in Chicago? The shootings in Connecticut are the act of a single madman. More serious national action needs to be taken to stop the general loss of life occurring daily in our cities.
I don't really know. They tried to tighten them up but I believe they, (at least some of them) have been struck down. Their problem is severe, from what I have heard.
Hell make the guns as easy to get as a drivers license - but make the ammunition hard to get.
You have to wait longer where I live for a drivers license than you do for a gun.
Of course a car can be used for things other than killing people,
Just think a learners permit - a written test - a proficiency test - and still you have to go through hoops to get ammunition.
I still think my test is simpler and more effective. If you want one, you are psychologically unsuited. If you don't want one, you might be trusted to have one. Are people who are proficient are more likely to use them or less likely?
More likely - now - what did they get em for - hunting? or personal protection? Those who are proficient will at least be less dangerous of having an accident and of those who use them and they are not for hunting - let us hope that it is target practice to remain proficient.
I think most of those with zero proficiency are less likely (too scared) to use them.
There are thousands of gun accidents every year, mostly by people who think they know what they are doing, or by their kids showing that their parent's really don't. It's kind of like all of those folks with prescriptions for medical marijuana, that only have headaches after they come down. They need to protect themselves from a) folks like themselves who have guns, or b) people like themselves that are so desperate to have a gun that they break into their neighbor's house to get one to protect themselves from folks breaking into their house to.....
When I was a boy nobody in my county (except stores in town) locked their doors. Men coming home from Europe or Japan never wanted to see another gun. What has changed? Fear and the number of guns have both gone up multiple times and we are less secure.
I would rather live without fear until some fearful guy shoots me, than be that fearful guy living in fear every day of the rest of my life. And when I say that, all of the fearful guys jump all over me as if I was threatening them, thereby convincing me that I have made the correct choice, for me.
Yes a vicious cycle for some - that buzz loss headache can be nasty - or so I have heard.
Another opportunity I missed.
Maybe now Med MJ will be made available - with a discount card for munchies - help to lower the average stress level - covered under Obama care?
50% discount under Part D, but no more negotiation per the Repelicons.
Too bad there's a little thing called the Constitution in the way, traitor scum.
NDAA essentially is a military coup. They say they have the power to disappear you and you say they should be the only ones with guns. STUPID, just stupid.
Any government/military that can carry out night terror raids overseas, torture and jail children, disappear people based on rumor can do that at home. You are too dumb to be a OWSer.
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn: “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... ” Does that make any sense to you?
I am sorry you feel such fear. I hope you can control it.
You obviously have "no awareness of the real situation." Or you are one of them.
Hide your head in the sand, little child, if it makes you feel better.
Scary person. A "traitor" is someone who doesn't fear the government? And a patriot is someone who is gleefully anticipating hand to hand combat with the 101st Airborne? And, I have no awareness of the "real" situation? Son, I feel very safe under your loving protection. Only you can save us all. Oh, and prevent forest fires. You must have Sandy pretty well cleaned up, right?
Don't forget to ask for the silencer option to go with it. And don't eat it all before dinner. Spoils your appetite.
Hmmmmm? Caps? I think you might be onto something there. Guns? Sure! Cartridges? Yes! Where in the Constitution does it say you can own caps? I'm sure they knew about flints. The native Americans had some novel uses for them. The cord that match locks used? Yep, they knew about those. But the caps that detonate dynamite AND ignite the cordite in ammunition? Nope! They never heard of caps. So, why can't Congress regulate caps?
Re your stick. Since dynamite contains nitro, old dynamite sometimes drips the stuff. If stored for some time they used to "turn it" periodically. Yours was fresh but if you had "saved" it, at some point that nitro gets all together and it doesn't take a cap to set it off. Glad you're still around.