Forum Post: guideline for corporate and government income
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:13 a.m. EST by fel4321
from Schenectady, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have often wondered on the workings of a government and corporation, and have had some interesting ideas. In government, officials should make the average income ( or within a certain percent, say 10 or 15%) of all individuals under their jurisdiction. Example: The governor of New York recieves the average of all new york citizens, plus 15%. Therefore, there is incentive for increasing the average wealth of each citizen. Ten thousand people making $1000 more has a larger impact than one person making $10 million.
A similar scale should exhist for corporations. Any individual in management recieves an income, plus a controlled percent, of all workers under their management. Once again, an incentive to make sure that each individual worker recieves a higher wage.
Simple, and in my eyes, potentially effective.
government will never have the kind of power in america to tell businesses how to run themselves like that. (nor do i think they should.)