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Forum Post: Guess Action Friday was a 'bust'

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 11:21 a.m. EST by StopOWS (50)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's over people. There's a lot of corruption but it starts at the top of govt with Obama and his administration, the most corrupt in history. If you want to protest, why not start there?

We have so many corrupt politicians and they don't leave their jobs. We can't get rid of them. Rangel, Waters, Seabrook and many more. They get a slap on the wrist for stealing our money and in a few weeks, it's business as usual.

I'm not just picking on Democrats, the crooks are on both sides. It's just that there seem to be more Dems at this time. Sometimes it's the other way around. Feel free to mention others but please use current ones. The past is just that, gone.

You need to occupy ( protest ) your representatives offices. They aren't doing their job. They are only thinking about getting reelected. Career politicians have to end,. They get comfportable and arrogant and rich.

You have the beginnings so concentrate your efforts where they will be more effective than agitating the working people and local businesses.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

Sorry, the money pouring in from Wall Street and corporate America (courtesy of the most corrupt Supreme Court in the history of the United States) OWNS Washington and OWNS the American electoral process. Get the money out of politics, and you'll be left with people who actually want to serve. Until then, the moneychangers are TARGET NO. 1.

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

The people who write the laws that allow them to perform inside trades, take corporate donations, union donations, allow lobbyists to influence policy and ensure that they remain above the law are the problem, not the ones who take advantage of their greed. DC's greed brought about this mess by facilitating the actions that Wall Street takes. End the corruption in DC to end the corruption on Wall Street. Until the laws and leaders change in DC, Wall Street has no incentive to do anything differently, regardless of how many people sleep in a park.
