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Forum Post: Guardian Article: No more NSA spying? Sorry, Mr Obama, but that's not true

Posted 10 years ago on March 30, 2014, 11:12 a.m. EST by TonyBuontempo (15) from Jersey City, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


We now live in the world that Huxley and Orwell prognosticated on.

The fascinating thing to this middle aged man is that as a child I was told it was the evil commies in Russia who did things like this, not the Bill of Rights believing American government.

The regime in Washington is a smoke screen for this anti-democratic society in the US. It is my hope that people in the US will wake up and end the thing in Washington before it is to late to end it. It is clearly an insane system that has gone off the rails of justice.

The War on Terror was never about Al-Qaeda and bin Laden. They are the lackeys, the excuse for the failed corporate controlled market economic system in the US. The War of Terror, like the Cold War, allowed for a legal system of control. A lie and a fraud designed to give unlimited power to Corporate America though the Wall Street controlled regime in Washington.

The enemies of the American People are not in a caves in stone age Waziristan. The enemies of the American People are on Wall Street and in the Corporate Boardrooms of America. These Boardrooms sanction the regime in Washington.

The US is not a democratic country, it is an extremely sophisticated Corporate dominated police state. The American People are occupied, and unlike the people in Gaza, do not even know it. The American Corporate System is the single greatest system of control devised in human history. The Ruling Class has people in the US believing they are free to do whatever they want, it is the single most sophisticated psychological lie ever created by the human species.



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[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

a government with no secrets must face its own actions


[-] 1 points by TonyBuontempo (15) from Jersey City, NJ 10 years ago

Your comment makes no sense.

The reference to the quote is based on Snowden. Before Snowden all this was speculation, now it is fact.

So to answer your question, I have been around. Reading, studying, bar fighting, having my crew hold down assholes while I break their fucking fingers with a hammer.

I am into Buddhism like you, ZenDoggy, and I believe pain helps raise a person's consciousness. So when you are an argumentative asshole, like you, the pain of the hammer dropped on the fingers opens the mind.

Fuck ups like you realize, "Wow, I should try to be respectful to people in my comments, because I may be taking to a pipe hitting Italian Irishman from Jersey City who is the only guy in his crew who has not had a gunshot wound. Maybe these are not the type of people to piss off with unintelligent and argumentative comments. Maybe I should be more non-aggressive in my speech before a real man and a crew of hardcore hood motherfuckers sets me straight."

If you just thought that, good for you. See you are learning. Now turn off Fox news and go get your fucking shine box.


[-] 0 points by TonyBuontempo (15) from Jersey City, NJ 10 years ago

Fuck you, try me asshole, you find out just our real I am.

Notice how I use my real name, I tell you where I am from?

What about you asshole, are really even from VT? Why the fuck would I believe a jack ass that does not have the balls to use their real name? Want to find out who I am, who I sit with, I am very findable jack ass.

Fuck you, and your family, jack ass. Man you trolling conservatives are a pack of fucking pussies.


[-] 0 points by TonyBuontempo (15) from Jersey City, NJ 10 years ago

I can keep this up too jack ass. So go get your shine box.


[-] 1 points by TonyBuontempo (15) from Jersey City, NJ 10 years ago

Organized Crime. What the Fuck are you smoking dumb shit. Who the hell said anything about organized crime?

You think the crew I was referring to is an organized crime gang? Oh my god you are dumb and right-wing. I was referring to the Working Class men I work with you dumb shit.

Jesus Christ, stop watching TV. Who the hell is Fat Tony?

You need a haircut, a bath and a job.


[-] 1 points by TonyBuontempo (15) from Jersey City, NJ 10 years ago

What in the hell are you talking about? You think this means an organized crime organization? Where in the hell do you think that settling issues in this manner insinuates an organized crime syndicate?

So using this reasoning, when I was in military school and we would deal with jack asses with the shower curtain over the head and the beating that followed, this implies an organized crime family?

Too much TV. This is why I do not own one, it changes the way you think. Thats wild.
