Forum Post: Grover Norquist Reminds GOP Lawmakers Of His 'Naughty Or Nice' List
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 12, 2011, 10:43 p.m. EST by thomasthetank
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WASHINGTON -- Anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist likes to play down how much power he personally wields over Republican members of Congress via his "no new-taxes" pledge.
But that's not the message he conveyed to guests at his annual holiday party last week in Washington.
Upon arriving at the downtown offices of Norquist's non-profit Americans For Tax Reform, partygoers were treated to a blown-up cartoon showing Norquist dressed as Santa Claus, according to a story in Roll Call.
"He's making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice!" said the first of two passerby in the cartoon. "That's Grover Norquist!?" exclaimed the second. Click here to see the cartoon.
Even tongue-in-cheek, the implication is clear: Republicans who aren't on board with Norquist can expect to face consequences.
It's hardly a secret on Capitol Hill that Norquist revels in the outsized influence he wields over Republican lawmakers, all but a handful of whom have signed his pledge against any form of tax increase on any sector of the economy.
Nevertheless, last month he told Politico, that "the pledge is powerful; the tax issue is powerful. I'm not powerful; that's silly."
Of course, that was only moments before Norquist bragged about twisting Sen. Jon Kyl's (R-Ariz.) arm to force Kyl to narrow the language he used during budget negotiations to eliminate even the suggestion that tax rates could increase.
"Boom!" Norquist said of the victory.
Watch Grover's video on the success of the conservative movement (THIS IS THE ENEMY OF OWS):
well, that's kinda what I been sayin
Yes. Where are his offices?
that I do not know. I would try google, or linkedin
A protest outside his office is a no brainer.
It should be big and loud
Americans for Tax Reform 1920 L Street NW - Suite 200 Washington DC 20036 Website:
That would be an excellent place to set up some tents.
Are the Occupy DC people doing anything there? It is, of course, the forces of Norquist who are going to shut down the government over a payroll tax cut for middle income Americans.....this will be the first tax cut he and his dark lords have opposed.
I don't know. I left a comment and a link back here, I think the comment inquired if anyone had considered any plans around the Norquist office.
I think it's a great idea. I also think if House Repelicans don't pass the measure it won't be good for them come election - but that is 11 months away.
Pledge of allegiance by the GOP Tea Party Incumbents in Congress:
I pledge allegiance to Grover Norquist
Not the United States of America.
And to the Tea Party
The GOP's Klan
One nation
Under them.
From tax breaks and loopholes
for the rich.
Fuck Norquist. Who the fuck is he? I would think he is the point man. All the money from the fat-cats and the corporations goes to him and then depending on which politicians suck his dick he pays them money, bribes to get out there and push the Neo Con bullshit about not raising taxes, cutbacks on Social Security and so on. Someone should check into his bank account to see what kind of money he has sitting there. Of course he wouldn't use his own bank account to store bribe money. It would have to be a "secret" bank account provided for free from one of the big banks the American taxpayers bailed out.
Screw him. Screw his pledge.He has surpassed my naughty list and has now been condemned to the lowest rung, baby. The lowest rung.
So, protest him. Instead of blocking a port, blockade his offices. The address is:
Americans for Tax Reform 722 12th Street, NW Fourth Floor Washington, DC 20005
Grover Norquist is not ONLY what you think he is!
Back in October, Republican Rep. Frank Wolf outed Grover in Congress. Norquist has carried water for Islamic supremacist attempts to weaken anti-terror efforts. Frank Gaffney revealed that "Norquist was also a prime-mover behind efforts to secure one of the Islamists' top pre-9/11 agenda items: the abolition of a section of the 1996 Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act that permits authorities to use what critics call ‘secret evidence.' ... Norquist was an honoree at an event held by Sami Al-Arian's National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom in July 2001, two months before 9/11. The award was for being a 'champion of the abolishment movement against secret evidence.'" Al-Arian in 2006 pleaded guilty "conspiracy to make or receive contributions of funds to or for the benefit of Palestinian Islamic Jihad." Palestinian Islamic Jihad celebrates the killing of Israeli civilians and calls repeatedly for the destruction of Israel.
Norquist also introduced Nihad Awad, co-founder and executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, to President Bush. CAIR is one of the foremost Islamic supremacist hate sponsors in the U.S. Terror expert Steve Emerson wrote that "CAIR, which touts itself as America's premier Muslim civil rights organization, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Terror trial." He noted that CAIR co-founders Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmad attended "a 1993 Philadelphia meeting where the HAMAS members and supporters discussed a strategy to kill the Oslo Peace Accords, which threatened to marginalize HAMAS. The group also discussed ways to improve HAMAS fundraising in America." Norquist is working with groups linked to NIAC, the shills for the Islamic Republic of Iran who have Islamic supremacist Reza Aslan on their Board and who have defrauded the federal government, lied to Congressmen, paid for Congressional testimony, and arranged secret US/Iran meetings. An American Thinker expose recently stated that the Khomeinist regime has been assisted in perpetuating these activities thanks to the support of a Washington lobbyist, Grover Norquist, and his involvement with the American Conservative Defense Alliance (ACDA). ACDA has actively supported the Campaign for a New American Policy for Iran (CNAPI), which in turn is linked both to the Council for American-Islamic Relations [CAIR] and the National Iranian American Council (NIAC). In the 32 years that have passed since Iran was hijacked by this regime, every elected U.S. president -- from Jimmy Carter, to President Reagan on down to President Obama -- has tried to negotiate with the Islamic regime. Not only have these negotiations been for naught, they have allowed Iran to buy time to continue building its illegal nuclear weapons program. The latest IAEA report now puts the Iranian Revolutionary Guards nearer completing their nuclear bomb than ever before. Atlas Shrugs
Grover Norquist has “owns” 94% of the Rs in congress, and is obviously in league with the Iraninan regime that may be the world’s biggest threat to peace.
GO HERE FOR THE COMPLETE LIST of ALL those in CONGRESS who SIGNED THE PLEDGE: ...........................................................................................................................................................................
grover -
Seeing hairy balls and possibly penis from the bent-over backside of someone you don't know. An unexpected occurrence in a men's locker room - when a particularly hairy individual drops his towel and decides to bend over to pick something up, revealing his hairy back (and partial front) side, reminiscent of the sesame street character Grover.~Urban Dictionary #7
grover -
To let your balls hang out of your pants~Urban Dictionary #12
I propose a new nickname for this rw-nut-job. How about Nutsack Norquist?
Grover is gonna be the first guy to start squeaking when he realizes he's gonna be the fall guy. Just watch. If he thinks he's gonna take the blame for our country going sour? He's gonna start singing a whole different tune. We can play drums outside his office, and he'll learn to dance to a whole new beat. He's just the guy who'll start to sweat when he feels the body heat. Non-violent protest was almost tailor made for guys like 'ol Grover.
Somehow, I think that the neoconservative CULT will only strengthen their resolve the more people hate them.
That is the nature of cults.
Lobbying in general needs to end. Just for the simple fact it creates a conflict of interest. In order a body of government to work for the greater good, it must remain impartial. When you have a government with conflits if interest you have a broken goverment.
The enemy has a face, it's Grover Norquist!!!
We need him OUT!!!
talk about surreal
that fucker isn't even in
we have to get everyone who signed his pledge out
this whole fucking thing is inside out and upside down
Absolutely, all the names on his list. That's a good starting point. These are clearly the culprits protecting the rich. Everyone on that list!
Why stop there? Lets get Sen Stowe to become independent, and toss the rest. All of them. Toss them on their ear.
fuckin repelicans
The whole reason he has this kind of influence is because of the legalized bribery (campaign donations and paid lobbying). REAL, LOOP-HOLE free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM should be the ultimate goal of these protests.
Agree. There is no other issue without the removal of big money from our political system. All other initiatives or objectives will fail without a constitutional amendment directing strenuous reform of our elections.
Spread the word!!! Anything short of it (a new candidate, a new regulation or policy) would be like putting a new roof on the chicken coop but still letting the FOX guard it. Get the corporate and special interest influence out and watch the real reform start happening as Americans have the opportunity to start electing real statesmen and women into office.
First Power, Then Change.
First Power, Then Change.
Is it because he demands that everyone who signs his pledge will never raise taxes ever under any circumstances, or is it just that he associates with republicans?
Protest him because he is going to bring down Congress. Protest him because his aim is to make people hate our government so much that they elect teaparty people who do not know how to tie their shoe....let alone run a government.
I just must not understand anything...