Forum Post: Grover Norquist Attacks the UAW
Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 6, 2014, 11:17 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
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With the upcoming union vote at VW next week, anti union forces pull out their wallets in yet another attack full of lies.
Can anyone tell me if there an equal number of pro-union billboards around town as well?
Somewhow, I very much doubt it.
we've got billboards in Pacific Beach threatening people that try to get workers compensation for injury with jail
companies should be for the health of their employees
Can you find a photo?
it could have been put up by these guys.
A public awareness campaign
some local white republican
does not want his workers reporting injuries
everyday, I hope the one responsible for this losses power
They act like it's easy to claim workers comp in the first place.
It isn't.
The people want it, the corporation wants it but the Teathuglicans are fighting it.
In the war against workers, no lie is too big, if you can get it in the "press".
Corker is the enemy of the people.
I wonder if he will make good on his threat of no more corporate tax breaks, if the plant goes UAW?
what a slimeball.
As the union vote nears, the lies intensify.
It's like I said, libe(R)tarians have co-opted this site, and they don't much care for unions.
Other people (unions) cut into their libe(R)ties.
A very destructive bunch.
Here's five of their hero's.
Here's a last minute addition of AOL libe(R)tarian, Tim Armstrong.
Tim Armstrong.
Can see any logic to this beyond his own profit?
Don't forget.......Blame as much as you can on unions, after all, all that collective bargaining cuts into profits, and Wallstreet will still be demanding it's vig.