Forum Post: Greetings and Congratulations from Canada
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 8:43 p.m. EST by bigbudha330
from London, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Congratulations on the huge success of the OWS movement – Finally mainstream media is starting to take peoples concerns seriously instead of the usual ridicule and dismiss approach. As I read numerous posts and material related to the OWS and legitimate grievances people have with regard to the current state of the U.S. as well as many other countries (mine included) one important contributing major factor ( I believe) remains absent and that is the continual signing of absurd trade agreements. Much of the current problems can have there origins traced back to 1990’s and the signing of NAFTA and the opening of the door for multi national corporations to dictate terms and conditions to government instead of the other way around. Somewhere along the line the concept of having access to the American consumer and market place is a privilege not a right. The trade tariffs and barriers that were put in place were done so for a reason – To protect the American society and its standard of life. Abolish any trade agreement that does not directly result in a net surplus of good paying jobs for American families!
Thanks, Canada! (waves towards the North)