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Forum Post: greenwoman

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4 a.m. EST by greenwoman (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Some people's notions are quite strange regarding who is occupying and why. I am almost 80, and have enough friends and their stories to make sense of why this movement has to happen. Among these are people whose pensions were wiped out and must do heavy construction work long after 65 and with heart or other health problems; people who became unemployed when their jobs were "outsourced";people who are homeless because of the "free market," when they can no longer pay rent because of gas employees from other states and greedy landlords;people whose water has been ruined and their equity in their homes gone because of natural gas corporations; people whose health has been ruined by the toxic water and air from this permitted industry; and all people who will suffer the effects of climate change because large corporations control our elections as they lobby for their corporate interests. Is that enough reason to speak up? Our public servants have forgotten who they are and who we are. And that is extremely serious.



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