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Forum Post: Greed & Its Only Solution

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:06 a.m. EST by modszhrafow (1) from Brisbane Grove, NSW
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Greed, and its Only Solution.

A key issue that humanity faces on a global scale is the problem of greed and selfishness, with this being the main impediment preventing us from realising our full potential. It serves to divide us on every level, from nations right through to our basic family units, and prevents us from uniting as one for the benefit of all.

A major contributing factor to this is the belief that “it's just human nature to be greedy, and that this will never change”. The problem with this attitude is that it is completely self defeating. If you deny yourself the ability to change then you won't, pure and simple. Change has to come from within the individual, only help or hindrance can come from without, and it does no good to just appoint blame to others regardless as to how justified this act may appear to be. The solution for this global problem will have to come from within each and every one of us at a very personal and individual level, at least until as such time as a critical mass is reached and the balance tipped.

Another major contributing factor is the excuse that “why should I care, I'm going to be dead in another 20, 30, or whatever years time”. This is a major flaw in the human psyche which is largely due to the effects of our ego's and is particularly prevalent in our western societies. Two points have to be made here: Western society suffers greatly from having the principle of reincarnation deliberately removed from the foundations of their metaphysical ideologies.* A human individuals ego/personality is not immortal and ceases to exist after death.

Now I know that these two statements may sound contradictory, however we all should realise that there is much more to each and every one of us then just our ego's. The ego evolves over time during each individual incarnation. It is a result of external influences bought to bare upon our “true self” (soul) from such things as our environment, culture, society, friends and family. The ego is an illusion, equivalent to a hypnotic state that has been induced upon the majority of us from an early age by the very surrounds we find ourselves existing in.

This is not the way of our future. Consciousness originates as one single whole and quantum physics is proving this. A whole that has to divide itself into a myriad of separate individual pieces pure and simply for one reason. It seeks and passionately desires to know itself. If it doesn't do this then by the very nature of the law of one, it will FOREVER BE ALONE, and no greater state of torment can exist for some being that is conscious.

A common perception that is felt by people who experience an enlightened state is that the act is very very personal and intimate, with the self realisation process working in two directions. The awareness suddenly dawns upon the individual that the One Self desperately needs them every bit as much as they need it. Its almost like the thought of “oh my god I truly do exist” dawns in both the individual and One Self at the exact same time. Each individual universally experiences an over awing sense of unconditional love. Imagine if you can the love you receive from your mother and father, friends and family, and your lover all rolled into one, and it is given freely regardless as to what you may have done in the past.

The feeling of love, happiness, relief and attainment that is experienced pouring into the individual from the their divine source is almost impossible to bare and even harder to describe. You will be left in tears of joy and forever changed. Your ego will have been destroyed once your soul realises its true identity, and it will take this precious knowledge with it into every future incarnation. Your cares and concerns will ever reach far beyond your current body and present time. You will effectively have become immortal.

This is the future of each and every one of us, and when it is finally achieved then together we will create the society we all want. Together we will bring heaven into being. This future is here and know, the time has finally come.

*The complete removal of any reference to reincarnation in the christian gospels is an example of this. The “Nag Hammadi Library” of early gnostic christian gospels which was discovered in 1945, has many references to reincarnation spread through out its writings. It is also dated at around 345 A.D, a mere 20 years after the “First Council of Nicene” (325 A.D) removed any mention of reincarnation from the first Catholic churches doctrine . The fact that the early gnostic Christian's went to so much trouble to preserve these documents for posterity is a clear indication of how important the principle of reincarnation was to early christian thought.



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[-] 1 points by George1234 (82) 13 years ago

The article is thought provoking. Can you explain more about ....The awareness suddenly dawns upon the individual that the One Self desperately needs them every bit as much as they need it. Its almost like the thought of “oh my god I truly do exist” dawns in both the individual and One Self at the exact same time.