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Forum Post: Greece to leave European Union?????

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 11:32 a.m. EST by BethesdaMD (25)
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This would be the start of a chain reaction of bank crashes that could finally get the attention of people that......things are not what the seem.

From obvious corruption by Democratic Senator Corzine, to failure of the U.S. government to protect its citizens from duplicitous business practice of its mortgage and banking industry. The truth is about to be made know.



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[-] 0 points by justaguy (91) 13 years ago

Getting attention? Yeah that might be a bit of an understatement.

If Greece cannot get the EU loans they cannot pay all of the millions of people that are totally dependent on the Greek government. They will be totally out or money in less than 6 weeks.

They can say forget it, we are just cancelling all of the debt. That gets them kicked out of the EU, with no way to support their people. They will be unable to sell bonds to raise money since no one in the world would trust them. Not to mention it would take a very very long time to revert back to the Drachma.

It will be riots like there have not been in quite a long time. Will make the strikes and riots they have had look like a Cake Walk at a town fair.

Should be interesting to watch. Their system is such that a majority are government dependent for everything from pay to retirement to health care. With no money all of those things are gone and people will be left to fend for themselves.

Dog eat dog as they say.

Be afraid, be very afraid.