Forum Post: Greatest and Best Country
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 8:12 a.m. EST by cubedemon
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I'm told America is the best and the greatest country there is.
What exactly makes a country great? What is the criteria?
On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, to make all men free.
On December 23rd, 1913, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, to make all men slaves again.
To regain our greatness, we must ...
packetStorm, Stevo is correct in his assertion that I am a dumbshit. Since, I am a dumbshit will you please answer how these statements have any relevancy to my questions? packetStorm you're one of the wisest sages that has ever graced the internet. I am but just an ignorant dumbshit just trying to wisen myself up. How do I become as graceful and wise as you and Stevo?
There are other countries that have surpassed us in being the greatest country. Its only Americans that still believe this.
Dumb shit question...for a dumbshit
I will fundamentally agree with you that I'm a dumbshit. This is why I ask a lot questions. I seek to better my knowledge and my wisdom. I am asking the great sages of our time to clear up my dumbshittery.
Freedom, liberty, the CHANCE to succeed.
Freedom, liberty, the CHANCE to succeed.
What is your definition of the word liberty? Why would this definition be correct over any other definition?
What exactly do you mean by the chance to succeed? Why would this definition be correct over any other definition?
Why do you believe that this is a good and/or only criteria that makes a country great?
The definition of the word freedom to be is the fact that I can pursue any career, any mate, any living location. Liberty to me is the opportunity to be involved with local, state, and federal government through free press and voting. Chance to succeed is the ability of any American to work hard and make something out of themselves. This makes a country great because these are traits that are not available anywhere else that I would enjoy to live. Your post makes me angry that you have the audacity to actually ask me these leading and obtuse questions that have no correct answer to try and prove some point.
I31sh0p, by the way if you thought my questions were obtuse and leading why wouldn't you just make fun of them? Why do you let my questions get you angry? Is it because my questions are hardball questions you cannot answer? If you can't answer them then how do you verifiy the accuracy to your beliefs?
Are these the only things that make a country great in your opinion? If yes, why do you believe so?
You have all the wisdom and knowledge. I have none. I am just trying to be as wise and as knowledgable as you. Even Stevo thinks I am a dumbshit. There is no point I'm trying to prove. I am just trying to fundamentally understand things, gain wisdom and knowledge.
If my questions have no correct answers then this is another thing I do not understand. From my perception, you guys have all of the answers or act like you have all of the answers. I have none. I am ignorant and have no knowledge and wisdom to me at all. All I desire is to gain the same knowledge, wisdom, and understanding as you and others do.
What kind of hard work must I do exactly?
If none of you can answer my questions then why won't you question your own beliefs and what you even say? How do you even know I am even interpreting the things you and others say in the way they are supposed to be interpreted? Some of the statements you and others make I literally do not understand at all and they tell me nothing.
You say my questions are leading and obtuse. In order for me to ask leading questions I would have to have some intelligence. At the same time you say these are obtuse or stupid questions? Am I stupid or am I intelligent? If I am stupid then how am I capable with my stupidity of interpreting the advice you and others give in the manner they're supposed to be given? If I am a stupid person who asks stupid and obtuse questions then how am I mentally capable of success in this great country at all without any fundamental help to do so and for others to walk me through employment step, by step, by step and to answer my questions as they crop up?
If I am stupid, my questions are stupid and are from an untelligent mind then how am I capable of success at all?
Does this mean others are incapable of pursuing sucess in America at all?
If 8 is yes and some will never succeed in America then I ask you is the American Dream a complete and utter lie and those who promote it are liars and sophists?
If question 9 is yes, then do you guys have the balls to tell the rest of the world that the American Dream of the United States is a complete lie for those who do not have the ability to meet certain criteria in this country? This means there is a fine print to what people are mostly told am I correct?
Why do you believe your criteria is the best criteria to have for a given country?
If there are no correct answers to my questions then can some of your beliefs be unsound in some cases? Why or why not?
If there are no correct answers then other people's beliefs and values are just as valid and sound as yours. Am I correct or incorrect? Why either way?
Why is the American way the best way out of all ways that have existed in human history if none of my questions have correct answers?
If due to practicality, my inalienable rights have to be infringed like in the typhoid mary case then why are they considered inalienable at all times?
Does it mean that some rights are more inalienable than others and if so can we establish that some rights are alienable in certain cases like protecting others from a deadly disease? If they are always inalienable no matter what practicality says then my question is why? Why does the inalienability of all our rights still hold up no matter what crops up?
If we can establish that in some cases that some inalienable rights must be infringed then my question is this are there cases in which some property rights and liberties must be infringed as well for other people's lives? Why can't it be true that maybe there are some greater moral principles than property rights? Why can't a person's right to life be greater a person's right to property and liberty? Are there cases this can hold up and I think typhoid mary has demonstrated yes?
If 17 is yes, then does this not make unsound the founding father's original intent and your interpretation of these inalienable rights?
If certain greater moral principles are being violated then I ask how is our country truly that great let alone the greatest and the best country on the face of the Earth like Sean Hannity says?
Tell that to all the people who's jobs got outsourced. Your right that used to be America. We've been able to run on borrowed money because we had that reputation. People who have amazing skills have been put out to pasture in favor of cheep Chinese labor. We used to be able to buy wonderful well made American products that we could be proud of and now it's garbage form China that breaks ASAP. I'd love to feel the way you do again but a simple trip to wal-mart tells me the truth every time.
If you see America through the eyes of Wal-Mart then you are truly living with blinders. Sure jobs have been outsourced overseas, but careers haven't. There is a difference.
What difference is that?
If you make yourself worth something to someone else, they will pay you good money for that skill. That's a career.
I my experience, most just wanted their ass kissed. Is this what you are advocating?
Your experience is biased and lop-sided. You can't ask a question based off that... but if you give a person respect you will receive it in such.
What are the correct perceptions that I personally should have. I know I have bias myself and my experience may be lop-sided. How do I clear up my bias? I can only filter my experiences through my own neurology. Your neurology is different than mine. I do not have access to your neurology and you do not have access to mine. Shooz's neurology may be different than all three of ours. Why don't you please show us how we are all biased and why it biased?
From my perception I can think I am giving you respect but you could take what I say as an insult. Why do you believe that "if you give a person respect you will receive it in such?"
That never happened.
You need to take off the rose colored glasses.
Most would rather steal your idea, than give any credit.
I had it happen several times, in companies big and small.
It really doesn't bother you that we have box store after box store after box store (not just walmart) filled with garbage made in China ? OK fine I guess your the patriot. I'm just old enough to remember America making things we could be proud of.
You're whimpering because our stores are filled with shitty products from China? DON'T buy it then, it's not that hard. Make your own or start your own business instead of just complaining that this place sucks. That's all that is getting done with occupy; training a new generation of professional complainers.
How do you do all of that? My question is if you think we could do these things could you do these things yourself?
sorry but can't start a business making lawn mowers, ovens, washing machines refrigerators,coffeepots, clothing, tools, and home improvement products. I can't get a loan because the banks gamble away America's wealth. Look America is what it is, a sad shell of what it was. I will deal with it accordingly but It's a bore to have silly naive cheerleaders like yourself telling me it's the greatest country in the world. It's my country and I will try to do my part to fix it and I do love it here and I go out of my way to support the few small businesses here that still make nice things.
Sounds like your economic life is already ruined, so you're complaining.
Sounds like you have no idea what went on leading up to the crash. Typical internet bum lots of opinion but no information. I'm done with you