Forum Post: Great piece on the disgustingly corrupt U.S. Supreme Court
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 5:07 p.m. EST by Vooter
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Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 5:07 p.m. EST by Vooter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Supreme Court is a joke. First thing we need to do is stop the ridiculous appointment for life. They should be elected just like the president.
Another change is that the Solicitor General should NEVER be allowed to be appointed to the Court. As Solicitor General Kagan made many rulings on Obama's birth certificate stopping any lawsuits from being heard by the Court. In return, as a payoff, Obama appointed her to the Court.
This is corruption at it height. She also had other involvement with health care that she may have have to rule on. She must recuse herself.
I want judges appointed for life. I want them away from politics. The life appointment is so that they are kept away from that. These people are held to a higher standard. I do not see throwing away a system because these clowns have no ethics.
so there is no solution for the current situation?
there is always one's own behavior I suppose . . .
I think that Clarance Thomas should be investigated, impeached and removed. He had a definite conflict of interest going on through his wife and failed to disclose.
The justices that we want to retire are no where close to retiring age. We need evidence, strong evidence that shows that those should be removed. Either we have that or we do not.
If you cannot put a leash on the money with the elected officials now, and you throw our Supreme Court into the mix-we have no chance.
I agree with everything you just said - my only problem is the impossibility of impeachment in the given climate.
Their own behavior might offer possibilities . . .
I agree. But, if you cannot nail Clarence Thomas AND you have evidence, then you will definitely not be able to nail the others with "behavior". I would go for the one that you have solid evidence on.
almost anyone may be nailed on the basis of their own behavior . . .
Attending a private Koch party?
In all seriousness, there was a jurist from NH who was mugged jogging in DC. It was a while ago.
He was a Liberal.
I think all that is required is an irrefutable argument.
Given their position? I think it will take some evidence.
To an extent, this is also what we want. It just currently sucks. If it was too easy then the SC justices that we (me and the mouse in my pocket) respect could be removed for whatever political drama came with a decision.
excellent post...,_Evil,_Corrupt_Corporate_Oligarchy_Supreme_Court
Yeah, and we still don't know why Scalia and Thomas are hanging out with the Koch brothers. I do not like the Robert's Court--at all.
I watched the inauguration. I'm convinced John Roberts had every intent to err in his recitation of the oath of office - with the purpose of feeding the right wing whack job frenzy - not only is the president not born here, not only a muslim, he wasn't even properly sworn in!
The entire nonsense would have lived another 16 months had the President not ordered the Chief Justice to the White House for a do over.
It is unbelievable. This is the branch that I had the most respect for.
Funny how only the more conservative judges are being criticized here. Both of The Dear Leaders appointments have no business on that court. They were given the jobs because one is an Hispanic and one is a Jew. And both are women. Neither is qualified to be on that court. Just like many of Dear Leaders candidates have been rejected by the ABA (sic) as unqualified to sit on the federal bench. Obama appoints solely according to race or gender. And that ain't gonna make the system any better.
Our entire justice system is a joke. The Supreme Court should be appointed for 10 year terms.