Forum Post: Great Job Occupiers!!! Ignore Naysayers!!! Fight False Consciousness!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 6:11 p.m. EST by AmericanRedWhiteBlue
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Remember--- Ad Hominem ridicule by naysayers means nothing!!! They are brainwashed into a Wall Street driven False Consciousness!!! You are right!!!
False Consciousness- The idea that workers could be co-opted by the perceived possibility of upward mobility into supporting a social system that was against their own interest. (Babeuf)
You know the current carrot of prosperity is a joke for us 99%. What hope exists FOR ALL Americans to better ourselves?
Until politicians and corporations wake up to the fact that this needs to be, again, OUR LAND OF OPPORTUNITY, not THEIR 1% LAND OF EXPLOITATION---please continue!!!
All Americans deserve opportunity (chosen opportunity definition- A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something---in this case--- better ourselves.) The Opportunity to better ourselves encompasses more than having jobs (although jobs are critically important too.)
Given the definition of Opportunity is not equivalent to the definition of Jobs (it’s unclear why you create a “freedom vs. jobs” type False-Dichotomy , then followed it up with an ad hominem-ish statement "that's crazy.”We need freedom AND Opportunity (opportunity, once again, generally includes jobs---among other things"))
Do you work for Fox News? Are you a just another troll? Are you just a shill for the corrupt political/corporate elite? Are you trying to get ahead with your reply by showing your post to your masters/cronies saying “See what I did, I’m a good boy, please promote me.”? Do you just need some attention and a hug, but find the only way you know how to get attention is with negative posts (pretty sad)? Opportunity is the freedom to better ourselves (in whatever way, shape, or form we choose.) Is Freedom important---Absolutely!!! It's so important that it deserves a separate post This political/corporate oligarchy we are currently in, is destroying what made America great---Opportunity.
For all those out I've seen out there of the silver, gray and blue hair persuasion. Old hippies never die! They just march and OCCUPY!!
I am he.
we need freedom back, not to demand the government to get us jobs, thats crazy
"you are right"
about what? we need to get rid of the whole system, not ask them to make the changes we want
1.) National Wi-Fi (Access to information, it will also circulate the millions paid for the service into the economy.) 2.) Green Energy, Water and Resource Act. ( Aimed at reducing water, and electricity bills to Free. A one time product purchase to power houses ) 3.) High Speed Rail System (To connect the cities and create jobs) 4.) Technology Grant (For every person over 18 only redeemable to purchase computer device made by an American company) 5.) Electric Car Act (Mass production of a single electric car standard) Model T... 6.) Land Act. (Owner laws of unoccupied land must be examined in aim of selling land to people for reasonable prices to develop green communities that grow their own food) 7.) Wholistic Healthcare Reform Act (approach medicine from all angles including preventive and natural remedies while also focusing on reducing cost. ) 8.) Education Reform (School Age Change, Three Year Old Pre K Four Year Old School Age. Early Focus on Math and Sciences.) 9.) Small Business Investment Act (Give small business a chance to rebuild the nation, big business has seemed to fail) 10.) Increase In Global PR (Let us stop spending more money on war than we do on humanitarian campaigns)
Here is a list of demands that will change our economy, our lives, and the world. More details into these Acts and demands coming soon but for now this is what we need, not what we want.
Snappy! 99% takes back!
Thanks, man. We 99% deserve our country back.
Preach it brother. Amen