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Forum Post: great job....

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:21 p.m. EST by fel (0) from East Orange, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You so called 99% did a great job, at making the real 99% of working new workers, angry as hell. Do you realize how much money your movement is costing nyc? Nothing had changed in the last two months, wallstreet still there and it will never be compromised. Tourism is down which means less jobs for the 99%. There will not be a nypd class next year because of all the money your movement has cost, the city should sue and bill your movement for all the money you have cost nyc. It's the holidays there are temp jobs, apply for them, any job is better than complaining. I have no sympathy for your movement, hope is freezes out in the bitter cold nyc winter.



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[-] 1 points by sociocap (6) 13 years ago

Hello friends of Capitalist sharks, all major changes in the world started with a people revolution like this.. this came from a deeply hurt sentiments of common man. This is not politics. If you do not have the patience to hear them, get working like a slave to the corporates who laugh all the way to the bank !! Or you should be the greedy 1% who has nothing to loose even if there is a nuclear war in this world (or atleast they think like that!)

[-] 0 points by BillyD (6) 13 years ago

They don't want to work and those that do only want to work in jobs that also happen to be their hobby. This is a spoiled generation of sociopaths, narcissists, and ingrates.