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Forum Post: Great forums

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 10:04 a.m. EST by koloneci (72)
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Forums like this prompts one to refine their ideas. Not just from the one participating, but the observer also. Do you think people from around world are here? you bet (if they have freedom to do so)

We can thank the Tea Party because this OWS movement probably would not have started without the catalyst . Both of the groups sense something is very wrong, but are still going through the investigation stage to determine exactly what or who that is.

You can point your finger at Wall Street, Washington DC or even China

We first must point in the mirror and take a good hard look at our consumption habits and why we don't protest the taxation laws.

The American people have grown too comfortable.

Now, here would be a great question for everyone ~ "Why have Americans become so complacent"? Let's hear it!



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