Forum Post: Grassroots Global Justice Alliance in solidarity with Occupy Wall St!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 4:30 p.m. EST by Sha
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Full statement in English: Declaración completa en Español: Free Posters:
The Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (GGJ) stands in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Together and the Social Movements around the world taking action in the month of October. We are communities of color, indigenous peoples, and poor and working class communities who are at the frontlines of the crises of economy, ecology and empire. For years we have been struggling against joblessness, low wages, foreclosures, displacement, and criminalization. We have been carrying the weight of a broken economy on our backs for far too long.
Meanwhile the 1% of the rich and powerful across the world have gotten richer due to the wild and dangerous practices of global capitalism. They have earned mega-profits by exploiting workers, the poor and the planet. They have kept their mega-profits thanks to the billion dollar bailout from our tax dollars. It is about time we poured into the streets to shout “Enough is Enough, Basta Ya!”.
We welcome the “October Offensive” that is giving collective voice to our anger and to our hunger for change. We affirm the courage of the people who are putting their bodies on the line, who are reclaiming space in defiance of the greed that is impoverishing the majority of the U.S., and the vast majority of the world. We condemn the police violence and mass arrests as violations of our basic rights to democratic dissent.
As a mass-based alliance whose mission is to build grassroots internationalism, the Grassroots Global Justice Alliance connects U.S. base-building groups with international social movements to build a popular movement for a peaceful, just and sustainable world. Many of us will mobilize to the encampments, others of us are organizing and joining actions in other parts of the country. All of us are struggling day to day in different sites of struggle – in the workplace, in our homes, in our neighborhoods, across borders.
We call on autonomous and organized forces to mobilize in even greater numbers from October 12 to October 15. These are global days of action on which we can connect protests across the U.S. with protests around the world. October 15 is a global day of action called by the indignad@ movement in Spain that will be joined with protests in the U.S. and across Europe. October 12 is Indigenous People’s Day and a Global Day of Action against Capitalism. This day of action was ratified and called for by thousands of participants in the Social Movement Assembly of the World Social Forum in Dakar this past February. October 12 provides the opportunity to rally to demand accountability from corporate targets doing business on what they think will be a normal Wednesday. GGJ members will be taking part in this day through actions like the “Foreclose on Wall Street West” action planned by Causa Justa Just Cause in San Francisco. They will join actions happening throughout Latin America and the World.
We believe the people should not pay for the crises that this system has created. We believe that the solutions will come from the people. And it is only through strengthening the joint strategies and campaigns of organized movements that are grounded in where we live, work and play, that we can make the transformation and liberation we are all seeking a reality.
No War, No Warming Build an Economy for People and the Planet!