Forum Post: GovernProfitism is the perfect system: a way to create revenue for government without raising taxes
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 1:53 p.m. EST by GovernProfitist
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I stand for an "ideology" or "system" called GovernProfitism.
The basic principle of GovernProfitism is: the government needs more profits, instead of increasing taxes.
Give the government a source of revenue other than taxes. The government needs to do business. For a profit.
What GovernProfitism IS NOT:
GovernProfitism is not communism. GovernProfitism doesn't want the State to own all companies. GovernProfitism doesn't want to eliminate private companies. GovernProfitism wants government-owned companies competing in the marketplace against the private companies, and making good profits (but profits with ethics)
GovernProfitism is not libertarianism. GovernProfitism doesn't want to eliminate all existing taxes. GovernProfitism just want to find a way to increase the revenue of the government, without raising the existing taxes. GovernProfitism is not against all regulations. The regulatory branch of the government should act separately of the "entrepreneur branch" of the government. GovernProfitism is not against welfare. The reason why we want the government to have more revenue, is because we want the government having funds to provide welfare to the citizens, without having to produce deficits in the budget.
We need an entrepreneur government. Government-owned companies need to be efficient and transparent, and make profits (with ethics).
The inspiration to GovernProfitism comes from some oil-rich Arab countries, where the government earns so much money from the oil business, that they don't need to collect taxes, and they provide welfare to the citizens without taxes.
The government of the United States should invest and create its own profitable companies. The government should become the largest "business holding" in the world, making huge profits (always respecting high ethical standards).
Um, why doesn't everyone just start a profitable business and have heaps of money? Oh, that's right, it's not that easy. Seriously flawed thinking.....
I agree it could be a great way to enterprise our country...not only that it could create thousands if not millions of good paying government jobs in the near future.
The government-owned companies should have high ethical standards in its relationship with employees, customers and the environment.
Employees should be well paid, but also must be required to be responsible, dedicated and productive.
Q: Who created GovernProfitism?
A: Me, a guy who uses the nickname GovernProfitist on OccupyWallStreet forum.
Q: When was GovernProfitism created?
A: Today, October 23, 2011, a beautiful Sunday. It's the social system of the 21th century.
In GovernProfitism, liberals can not prevent conservatives from buying stuff from private companies, and conservatives can not prevent liberals from buying stuff from government-owned companies.
This is real freedom.
GovernProfitism is so logical that you may ask: "Why nobody thought of it before?"
I don't know. But it's very logical, indeed.
In GovernProfitism, some people will make the free and personal choice of only buy products and services form government-owned companies.
Those people, who strongly believe in social solidarity, will say: "My bank account is on Government Bank. My car is from Government Motors. My fridge is from Government Electric. My computer is from Government Computers. My pizza is from Government Foods. I buy everything from the Government Corporation, because Government Corporation is directed by democratically elected people, and Government Corporation gives free healthcare to the poor. If I become poor some day, I know Government Corporation will help me."
That will be a free and personal choice.
Don't ignore GovernProfitism. Don't let people ignore GovernProfitism.
This is the only system that can bring peace and understanding to the world.
GovernProfitism is like having socialism and capitalism living side by side in the same country, in peace.
You will be able to think of the government as a benevolent and democratic giant corporation. A giant corporation whose CEO (the President) is democratically elected by the customers, and that makes a lot of "charity", providing free healthcare, free education and free housing to the poor.
People who believe in social solidarity will choose to buy products and services from this giant corporation (the government).
Selfish conservatives who only believe in "social darwinism", "dog eat dog" and "every man for himself" will choose to buy products and services from the private corporations.
Everybody will live according to their own beliefs, side by side, in the same country, in the same cities, in the same neighborhoods.
Imagine a country where 60% of the population are "conservatives" and 40% of the population are "liberals". The vast majority of the "liberals" will choose to buy products and services from the efficient and transparent government-owned corporations. Those companies will have a very large base of customers (the "liberals"). Profits will skyrocket.
The government will never again have to beg tax money from the selfish conservatives: "Keep your damn money for you, selfish bastards! We don't need it!"
Everybody wins. THIS is inovation.
In GovernProfitism, instead of paying more taxes, you will buy products and services from the government. Only if you want to buy from the government. There will be private competitors to the government-owned corporations, and if you prefer to buy from the private competitors, you will be allowed to do so.
They don't want that you know about GovernProfitism because they want to keep you believing in the lie that all government-owned corporations are inefficient and can't have profits.
This is a big lie. There are numerous cases of government-owned corporations around the world that are profitable.
Please read the article on Wikipedia about Government-owned corporations:
Instead of the corporations owning the government (like we see today), we will see the government owning the corporations (not all corporations, just those created by the government).
GovernProfitism is a system where the government invest and create its own companies. The government will not "expropriate" the existing companies. No. The government will start its own business. It will be a slow process. Each year, the government will create new profitable companies, and will gradually become a giant holding.
People who don't want to pay higher taxes to sustain welfare for the poor can not complain about GovernProfitism. GovernProfitism will not raise taxes, because the government has another source of income.
There is no solution outside of GovernProfitism.
The government can not live only from taxes. The government needs to have its own business: banks, retail chains, oil companies, steel mills, telecomunications companies, airline companies, pharmaceutical companies and much more.
GovernProfitism is "thinking outside the box".