Forum Post: Government's Part
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:51 a.m. EST by b4peace
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What about the governments role? If we get lobbyists out of Washington and pass the Stock Act, maybe government will again be for the people. Check this out for more info:;storyMediaBox and;storyMediaBox
I agree with that completely; the problem with our government as it stands right now is that it's been bought and bullied into giving big business a free pass in a number of different arenas, ranging from the taxes they should be paying but aren't to the attempts to castrate the EPA by Rand Paul. The problem is that then someone has to pay for what big business won't, and most of the taxation people consider abusive is in fact an effort by states and communities to make up for lost revenue. If you force out the lobbyists, reform campaign finance, and pass the STOCK Act, then you can end big business's free pass and start to fix this country.
thats an ok idea but what about having a national Chevy Chase day ? that will make the 1% think of such movies as Fletch 2 and spies like us. think of the pain