Forum Post: Government shutdown means trouble for farmers at harvest time
Posted 11 years ago on Oct. 11, 2013, 11:19 a.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
- The impact of the ongoing government shutdown goes well beyond Washington and federal workers - it also means trouble on the farm at harvest time.
The corn is tall and the pigs are plump in Polo, Ill. But farmer Brian Duncan is preoccupied by the government gridlock 800 miles to the east.
So what's the biggest headache for him connected to the government shutdown? "I would say it's the lack of information," said Duncan.
Daily reports from the Agriculture Department, which help farmers read the markets for corn and livestock prices, have ceased.
We don't know the value of a hog in the market place," said Duncan. "It starts out as an annoyance. It goes to frustration. Then a headache. And then it becomes a big deal because just because the government's shut down doesn't mean agriculture stops."
As for grain, the monthly reports on production and global demand were set to come out Friday. "It's not gonna happen," said Duncan. "It's been postponed. There's no one to report it."
On the commodities trading floor, instead of brisk transactions, the lack of government data is stalling investment and sapping confidence.
He wants to build a new, environmentally friendly pig pen, but approval for federal assistance has stalled with winter only weeks away. Farmers also can't apply for new loans or receive some government checks.
Oh, and don't forget not to eat until this is over.
Libe(R)topia. The "gift" that keeps on taking.
Lives, health, human rights, economies, democracy's, the entire planet.
Yep. They are digging their own graves.
They've answered the age old question.
Who is John Galt!!??
He's the guy who does this sort of thing.
I really don't expect our local libe(R)tarians, to understand this.
But there it is.
Nice article.
Yep. Too bad you and I are the only ones who noticed it.
The more I learn, the more convinced I've become.
Whether you want to call them libe(R)topians, or neolibe(R)tarians, is of no consequence. That they are real is.
I have met a few people lately, who are just beginning to see.....