Forum Post: Government should give health benefits for sexuality equally
Posted 13 years ago on March 4, 2012, 7:44 p.m. EST by Coldinflorida
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm personally asexual but, i think we all should get the same allotment for sexual protection than others mine just happens to be a tazer and security cameras.
it is annoying to me to have guys come on to me all the time because i was born a female... i think that the government should give equal benefits to all in protection of reproductive health or nonreproductive health.
ya i found it annoying when females came on to me everywhere I went also, especially when there was a hot one walking by that I wanted to talk to.
Sexual health is absolutely important to one's overall well being. I think it should be covered by one's health insurance, if that's what you mean when you write "give health benefits(?)" Make no mistake, we will bear the cost of health insurance. There's nothing being given by any entity.
I'm fine with Illness or unplanned coverage being based on risk, but for maintenance coverage the same amount of dollars should be spent on every individual reguardless of being sexually active in order to not discriminate against those that are not sexually active. Maybe free excercise classes for the non sexually active who dont use birth control.
I won't bear the cost, because I don't have health insurance and don't want it. If I get sick, let me die.
As you well know, we don't have a la carte government, Juan If we did I would choose to not pay for war.
Are you somehow treated unfairly?
no comments i wonder why? it is okay to impose sexuality on others, but discuss fairness.
men just don't have as many parts
I agree with you. Perhaps men don't think that somehow the government should be paying for their sex lives.