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Forum Post: HELL FREEZES OVER - Bank Of America CEO Moynihan Named As Defendant In Federal Foreclosure Lawsuit /// Government Lawsuit Says Bank Of America Mortgage Fraud Even WORSE Than Countrywide

Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 23, 2012, 8:07 p.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent (1257)
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HELL FREEZES OVER - Bank Of America CEO Moynihan Named As Defendant In Federal Foreclosure Lawsuit

(((PHOTO - Brian Moynihan attempts a smile))) http://dailybail.com/home/hell-freezes-over-bank-of-america-ceo-moynihan-named-as-defe.html
-Jan 20, 2012-

Foreclosure Fightclub attorney George Babcock strikes again. The devil is starting to shiver.

BAC CEO Named as Defendant in Federal Foreclosure Fraud Lawsuit

Compare these two assignments:

Document 1 Bogus Assignments of Mortgage

And Bank of America's useless response:

Bank of America Gratuitous Letter
(((Source))): http://www.foreclosurehamlet.org/profiles/blogs/bank-of-america-ceo-moynihan-to-be-named-as-defendant-in-federal

Feds say Bank of America worse than Countrywide

Commentary: Federal lawsuit says even Mozilo was shocked


By Al Lewis
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Bank of America Corp.’s story has long been that Countrywide did it. But a lawsuit filed last week by the Federal Housing Finance Agency tells a different tale.

The lawsuit claims that when former Countrywide Financial Corp. CEO Angelo Mozilo marveled at the dizzying recklessness of the mortgage-lending business, he was in fact looking at Charlotte-based Bank of America BAC -0.41% .

This is perhaps one of the most insulting claims ever leveled in a mortgage-fraud lawsuit. Bank of America would probably feel outraged if it weren’t so overwhelmed with its nauseating plunge on the stock market.

Mozilo has easily eclipsed Enron’s brass as one of the most-hated executives of all time. He has become the poster child for the fraudulent mortgage-lending practices that torpedoed the U.S. banking system and the entire global economy.

But he was smart enough to sell Countrywide as it nearly collapsed in January 2008. And Bank of America was dumb enough to buy it for $4.1 billion.

Since then, Bank of America has been blaming Countrywide for a litany of problems.

Last May, for instance, Bank of America put up $22 million to settle charges it improperly foreclosed on active-duty troops.

There is no worse public-relations fete than sending foreclosure notices to the people risking their lives on a battlefield. So Bank of America set the record straight in a prepared statement:

“While most cases involve loans originated by Countrywide and the improper foreclosures were taken or started by Countrywide prior to our acquisition, it is our responsibility to make things right,” Bank of America executive Terry Laughlin said.

Ooh-Rah, Bank of America!

There was also that time Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan testified before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. “Our primary window into the mortgage crisis came through the acquisition of Countrywide,” he said in January 2010, as if Bank of America hadn’t been brewing a mortgage crisis of its own before its acquisition of Countrywide.
In November 2010, Moynihan was about as plainspoken as possible: “At the end of the day, we’ll pay for the things that Countrywide did.”

Hey, it wasn’t Moynihan’s idea to buy Countrywide. He’s simply cleaning up the mess of former CEO Ken Lewis. Yet no truer words were ever spoken.

Bank of America was even on the hook for a big chunk of the $67.5 million Mozilo agreed to pay the Securities and Exchange Commission last October to settle civil-fraud charges — without admitting nor denying guilt, of course.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees government-owned mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, last week sued 17 banks, including Bank of America, Citigroup Inc. C -0.17% , J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. JPM +0.03% , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. GS +0.19% and some European banks such as Credit Suisse Group CS +0.13% (CH:CSGN +1.48% , Barclays Bank BCS -0.07% and the Royal Bank of Scotland

(((View this article Here))) http://www.marketwatch.com/story/feds-say-bank-of-america-worse-than-countrywide-2011-09-07?pagenumber=1



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by MonetizingDiscontent (1257) 13 years ago

Perfect excuse to remember this one:

:::::::::::::::::::::Bank of America ATMs In San Francisco Turned Into Truth Machines:::::::::::::::::::::


-January 16, 2012-

RAN activists took to the streets of San Francisco last night and turned every Bank of America... http://understory.ran.org/2011/07/28/bank-of-america-the-bank-of-coal/ ...ATM in the city into an Automated Truth Machine.

The activists used special non-adhesive stickers designed to look exactly like BoA’s ATM interface. But instead of checking and savings accounts, these new menus offered a list of everything BoA customers’ money is being used for, including investment in coal-fired power plants, foreclosure on Americans’ homes, bankrolling of climate change, and paying for fat executive bonuses.

The stickers also encourage BoA customers to “Stop doing business with Bank of America until they start behaving responsibly” and have the URL to our new blog, which we’ve just launched along with The New Bottom Line: http://www.newbottomline.com/

We ARE NOT suggesting you do anything with it however…