Forum Post: Government is supposed to work for the people
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 9:31 a.m. EST by jimhcom
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The real problem with this country today is that the people do not have any education in the basic principals of the human rights this country was founded on.
First and foremost, the founding fathers believed every man was a sovereign, and that his rights as a sovereign were his at birth, and that it is governments that refuse to acknowledge those rights. That a government, may not acknowledge your rights, in no way means, they do not exist.
It is the duty of every sovereign Citizen, to stand against government tyranny and the illegal assumption of powers not given to government by the people. Governments are entities of evil, run by ambitious corrupt men who desire to rule over others.
They are to be mistrusted and restrained less they become the masters instead of the servants they are intended to be.
When those governments give rights of citizenship to corporations, and take bribes, and do the bidding of those same corporations, they are in fact committing high crimes and misdemeanors.
The criminals of Wall St. and of Washington DC, must be held accountable. The guilty must be prosecuted. The government must be placed back under the control of the people.
Yes yes yes. And the first step is ending the system of bribary and influence peddling. Make it illegal so they can be prosecuted under the law.