Forum Post: Government is Embarrassing
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 31, 2011, 8:06 p.m. EST by neveragain
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm not interested in a government that is "inconsequential" in my life. I want a government that I can be proud of. That I can admire. That is smart. When will this happen? This is not with any candidate in the upcoming election. What shall we do?
Totally agree. These are new times, corporatocracy and 1%er greed is unprecedented. We need government to stand up for the 99%, not abandon us.
This will happen when we get money out of politics and not until then.
You may want a resource-based economy. A popular version is the Venus Project. The only way to implement this system is to create anarchy and overthrow our government. Chances of that happening - slim but you never know.